The historian writes and publishes to eat and feed his family. He gathers a certain amount of information and analyzes that to form a theory about some happening in the past. For example, the story of Billy the Kid in New Mexico Territory in the period 1874 to 1881 falls under a broad heading of Outlaws of the Wild West. The theory, however diligently prepared, will always be inadequate for the same reason all theories are so. The historian will knowingly ignore much of what was taking place because he has no way in his science to account for them. However, what will be omitted will actually be more important to human experience than what is included in a study that may eventually find its way into a classroom of students who are supposed to be learning. Feelings, such as childhood disappointments, abuses, kindnesses, generosities, love, friendship, praise, recognition, courage, trust, integrity and many, many more along with the interrelatedness of us all will be of little value to the historian. He will disassociate himself from the kid in order to judge him. So, what that means is that in order to publish and not to perish the historian will tell a whopper of a lie by denying the realities he is ignoring, usually because he does not want to appear to be naiive, girly, spiritual, silly, flighty, sentimental, or otherwise unacademic. The only reason he does it is because it is much more easy to arrive at a reasonably crafted version of the Kid’s life and be applauded. He works for money from the system his official story will promote.
Thousands of years ago in India living human beings asserted that in any observation and analysis the observer is the thing observed. The question of the observer will always actually be “what is my life all about?” Of course whatever answer is found in denial of the truth must be inadequate. The observer will see what he is looking for but not admit even to himself he is doing it. He lies. In this way he is an accomplice to those who want the Kid to be put away from those of us with “acceptable” behavior. How many will admit, “I am that outsider I look at”? He is paid to pretend for us that he can look at Billy the Kid as entirely separate from himself and draw an accurate picture of the boy from accounts given him by those who remember the Kid as separate from themselves. This practice is done by thinking absent the rich domain of intuition. Intuition is bad for science for it leaves no track. It is nothing short of blessed for humans however. The Great Ones, like Albert Einstein were always aware there work comes from nowhere. Do not believe me but find out for yourself what intuition has to offer to you today.
Whenever on of us tells the truth to another the statement will leave no track in ordinary thinking because it will come out of the domain accessible only by intuition. That is why we cannot tell how a creative work has been accomplished and repeat it. Everything worthwhile and beautiful comes to us this way. This fact ought to be given prominence everyday by every human being. Instead, it is called “magical” then “pooh-poohed” and dismissed, even punished, by society. That loss to humanity is immeasurable. No experts have the numbers for it and yet all of us experience the effects constantly as we move through a typical day.
I will tell a short story from my life. I had been married with children. My wife and I were divorced. I was at my ex-wife’s house for some business we had to deal with probably involving children. She took the meeting as an opportunity to vent much anger from her past as my wife. I listened to a long series of her grievances, uncomfortably, holding my tongue and hoping she would finish and let me leave and praying not to retaliate at the time. When she paused briefly I heard my voice say “I was just doing the best I could, Pam.” That came from the dimension of intuition. It left no track. No thought had preceded it. It came. It touched something inside Pam, though. What happened next amazed me. Pam stammered a bit , emotionally, and then said, “I know you were, and I was, too.” With that, we both sat down and what followed was a truly compassionate discussion for about an hour. Lasting healing took place. To me, this memory points out the great potential unused for the most part by humans that cannot be measured. What could we be? Listening to my ex-wife’s complaints showed me relationships among them and I was able to state a truth about us all. It was the truth of human nature. We need so much more intuitive clarity of this type. It goes back to “Know Thyself”. It is incalculable how much human pain can be erased by such a simple statement as “we are all doing the best we can at each moment in time”. LOOK AT THE NEXT HUMAN FACE YOU ENCOUNTER WITH THAT TRUTH IN MIND AND SEE SOMETHING BRAND NEW THAT LEAVES NOT A TRACE OF ITS ORIGIN. What could we be?