THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Thursday, September 30, 2021

 A Separated World

By thought human animals separate things of all kinds. Thought is used as a clever. It is done, it seems, to make life easier to sort and organize and operate within. See, how even life itself is separated from the living creature by the very practice? What the clever does is to make each thinker soon see itself as against the others it has chopped off. Husbands go against wives. Wives go against husbands. Parents go against children. Children go against parents. Christians go against Jews. Capitalists go against Communists. Communists go against capitalists. Rich go against poor. Poor go against rich. On and on and on. 

It certainly has become the human way of life. We go against anything we see as a problem. Fight. Fight. FIGHT! is the basis of every system. Good against evil. In the beginning was a Tree. It is so obvious, is it not? Evil is the creation of us all. Could it be this simple? That it is the division within a human being thrust outward that divides all things? So, can one human being look into why he or she is divided within against him or herself and, so, end the conflict inside and out? Of course it can be done! Look into it.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021


This much is known. At some time after the beginning of human beings on Earth there came to be a notion that every man needs a woman of his own who belongs to him and no other man and that every woman needs to belong to one man and no other man. In some locales a man was said to be entitled to more than one woman but all such were his own women and belonged to no one else. In other locales it was decided some women were entitled to own more than one man as their exclusive property. The thing we know is that there came to be enforced everywhere a notion that one human could and should be the property of one other human. By what support in reality under the stars can it be said a human is the property of any other? Indecency was born. That brings us to the subordinate rule that the offspring born to these unions of ownership of a human being by another human being belong to the two adults. The kids began to be regularly referred to as “my children” and “our children”. By what support in reality under the stars can it be said a human is property? This nonsense can and has become unquestioned fact only because the people trust words more than they trust themselves. “My” and  “our” rule over intelligence and “I” and “me” do likewise. As a simple, clear fact no human being belongs to any other.

Animals exist. Human animals exist and are aware of the fact. The conscious awareness of the fact of one’s existence is infinite and shared by all humans. It does not separate us from the other forms of life in the least. It gives awareness. Mankind developed language. The languages grew in scope to deal with the growing practice of trade or commerce. As deals were made through language and broken wars happened. Slaves were taken as one of the spoils of war. Women were taken and brutalized. Slaves and women became commodities. Children, women, and slaves became commercial properties sought after by warriors. It’s a mess. The mess has been incorporated into the languages and is spread and widespread. People think they own each other or belong to each other and that wars are inevitable. The mess grows messier every day. So, what can be done?

The only answer is consciousness. In the state of mind “I am” lie dignity and decency as if they are blowing in the Wind. These things cannot be cultivated but can be found inside every human and given priority they once had. It begins with an admission that my way of life is indecent and lacks dignity. If made at a deep level by a serious human being no more is required as decency and dignity blow in under their own power. No human is better than any other human. No human saves any other human. Bodies are born, live, and die. Consciousness is everlasting.

Monday, September 27, 2021



I tell you the problems we have identified so far are the natural consequence of a life form, in this case, human, in which, for the most part, all have allowed themselves to become addicted to symbols or words. By that, I mean we serve them religiously without even knowing we do it and it is therefore next to impossible for us to give them up. But it is not completely impossible. We can recover our sanity. Really all those we identify as geniuses are the most adept at serving concepts made of words, including, of course, equations of mathematics. We give to them awards and praise and follow them into a deeper and deeper sickness. It is all about awakening a lost skill that sees through words sideways in a way that  makes them servants to reality. There is great danger in repetition of words without knowing what is the true meaning which is always beyond words. Call it heart. Heart must rule. Compassion must reign as slogans die for the heart to fly! 

Kill them off constantly. Answers blow in the wind.

Scientific projects tend to ignore this factor altogether or not to apply it in an important way in the work because they do not know how to approach the unknown. Feelings embarrass the smug who only pretend to control. Building the first atomic 

bomb did not bring security, it increased insecurity many times over. Let go.


Friday, September 24, 2021

 Voice-over: And every young child who races inside imagination after a vanishing train is scolded in a classroom although imagination will always be greater than knowledge! (Albert Einstein)

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


Once upon a time  lived a small house fly.

Shirley was her name. She did not worry. She lived and she died. I wish I knew how to understand and to value, truly, such a life as that one and how it directly impacts mine. Then I’d know.

Sunday, September 19, 2021

 Somethin’ simple needs to be heard. Kindness is not a process learned over time by practice through effort. That behavior is false, empty and unsatisfying. Its source selfishness. Kindness is just what you do. Suddenly it is your way. One second before it was not of you to be kind. Seeing this will save a lot of trouble and struggle and confusion and doubt and waste of energy. Best of all, you will meet yourself as if for the first time. First step, then, is an admission,  “I am unkindness”. Study on the unkindness you are. Be it. Some stranger will do the seeing on your behalf.

Friday, September 10, 2021


Seamless, comprehensive, unified, entire.

Making the most of each and every hour.

Living a life by the all-in-one Power.

Losing reliance on my-way desire.

Discovering love heart on fire!

Thursday, September 9, 2021


Following up on my learning yesterday I am aware that I need no knowledge of anything I encounter for I am that which I observe. I need but watch, see, learn what is before me and it will be shown me. That is, for me, real love. In both directions.

One time I spent six months in the desert of West Texas known as the Big Bend. I arrived there with a long history stored-up as fear of snakes. Many are there. Many poisonous rattlesnakes. The first day there I went on a hike alone into the vast desert land. I met seven rattlers on that first hike.  All were coiled to strike and rattled a warning. I tell you that first one really sent a strong chill down my spine. I backed slowly and the snake lowered itself out of its striking posture. Giving the snake plenty of room, I walked on. Like I said this happened seven times on that walk. Seven meetings first hand. Each time, me and a snake met up, watched each other, and parted peacefully. None of the snakes failed to warn me and none were close enough at the time to reach me with a strike. I was struck powerfully by the decency of each warning. My fear was definitely receding already.

One evening, I hopped joyfully out of the house where I was staying with a towel and nothing more, naked as the day I was born, to take an outdoor shower. I was, by now, a content camper. I snapped my towel at nothing out of pure delight at my good fortune. Suddenly, from the corner of my eye I caught sight of a large diamondback rattler rising from the exact location where my towel had popped. It was coiled in my path to strike in self-defense.  I had learned through reading that this snake was close enough to bite me should it strike. I froze. The snake and I stared at one another for several seconds. The snake’s tongue searched the air. The snake seemed to me to make a decision of its own, lowered, then moved away from me. I recognized the snake as one which made a home in an enclosed garden close to the outdoor shower. Never again did the snake return to that garden nor anyplace on the property where I was living. Make of it what you will.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


I learned some new thing this morning from a new angle on things. Why do I care to have knowledge about myself? That is a very important question. Do not rush to answer it. Give some space. If you have jumped already, back up, and pause with me. Why should I have such knowledge at all? Who taught me to study myself instead of purely living? Who has an interest in building up in my brain a stockpile of knowledge and memory about, of all things, me? A puppet maker? Disappointed in me, such a person wants to build in my stead a puppet to control? Far worse, they have named it…love. Who would do that to me? Beats me. My guess is it’s someone who has been treated that way before me. My ancestors? The puppet they have constructed from thoughts in my brain has been taught to always remember and to worship them. How fucked up is that? And, oh My God, I am doing it to my children! What have I become? Has anybody, since my birth, ever really taken the time to get to know me, who I am, what I am for?

There is a farm. That farm was mismanaged in the same way and fell into a state of death. Soil gone. Everything as good as dead. And it has been resurrected, revived and is today fruitful again. This change was not accomplished by anyone. Some simple minded people merely trusted it could be so. They simply took the caring time to watch, see, learn what the farm is, as it is, without interference from them, and were taught that in the beginning all that will ever need to be accomplished was accomplished. Like a surfer, they caught a wave already in motion under an awesome force of unlimited power and they rode it home. Can I be that way for another human being?

I trust I can be.

Sunday, September 5, 2021

 About 60 Tears Ago 

About 60 years ago a young singer-songwriter gave to the world his song.  Hard Rain. Some people sang along in agreement. Many others ignored it. But the astonishing fact is almost nobody acted. The singer wanted no agreement from his audience. He wanted to needle and sting someone into action.

Today, the words to the song are to be found free on the internet. Obtain a copy and listen as he sings the song on Youtube free again and again. Listen not to agree or disagree. For a change listen with your whole being, you are after all a human being. Be so. Hearing him in this way you will act. Gotta move the entire human race to a new home. Smell the smoke? Home is not a place on a map. Home is an experience of heart.

It is another dimension entirely. 

Climate’s a-changin’ 

Time is running.

Now is here.

Saturday, September 4, 2021

 Shoot At You Now

Well, I can shoot back at you now and you can try to shoot me again 

What fuckin’ good will it do? 

If we both fight to win 

only to find out nobody has 

and that nobody kin? 

So, let’s talk it over, it’s that important, besides, 

ending a life is, after all, the granddaddy of sin.

So, you tell your captain you choose to be friendly. I’ll do the same.

Look, this trouble started out as another’s wish and desire to gain property and power- 

and I went along when I chose to accept the money and promises of more to come and that motive brought me right up to this hour. 

Weapon pointed at a stranger who maybe got here the same way as me, now I see,

the same muddled-up, confused thinking always leads to places we do not want to be.  

And has just now led me to certain knowledge no man who thinks and acts like this will ever be free. Can anyone be? Please reassure me. 

Do I need to be assured of that answer before I am willing to just stop, look and see?

J Whooper Swan 2021



Note: Can this be mimed? Perhaps behind singer of the words? Or, without words?

Friday, September 3, 2021


When young, you were introduced to problems. The young horse is introduced to a bridle and saddle. You were introduced to school and the problem first was reading and writing in a language. This was to be the foundation of your life as the bridle and saddle were to be the foundation of the life of the young pony right up to death. So it was with you. Both are the same essentially. The brain of each is filled up with problems until finally it can do no other thing but solve problems. Now, the process of problem solving is such that every problem solved creates more problems or throws more problems at you that you cannot escape, must deal with, although they will, each one, of course, create more problems when you do. One day you may reach a point in all this when you just throw up your hands and admit “I am damned if I do and I am damned if I do not”. At that point you may ask, “Can I be free of all this mess?  Is it at all possible?”  Should you really want to know, ask your deep existence (which never was interested in school) and it will be given you to know. And, it will feel to you like, “Hey, what took you so long?” You will also learn to know that which lies beyond intellect to be ever so dedicated, kind, patient, loving, and merciful. You had it all along.