THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Friday, August 27, 2021


Perfect Disillusion. That is the goal. When you see that nothing you are trying to use to get what you want is working you are there. It is the perfect place to be. You are truly blessed. The world will say, Man, you are never happy unless everything in your world is a mess. You will smile inside and know you have been brought again to the place where no other avenues are open to you, so, choiceless, you must embrace completely your secret art, your great hunger. Otherwise, what you call art will be copy-cat bullshit.

Saturday, August 21, 2021


Love, not for sale, won’t be found round a finger or under anyone's thumb.

So, stop tryin’ to keep warm by swallowing the Sun and have some fun.

We can’t mint love.

Can’t print love.

Can’t give or take it 

have no power to forsake it.

Talkin’ ‘bout LOVE.

Thursday, August 19, 2021


I want to share a simple story. It is an early story from the Bible concerning one young man killing his brother.  In the story, Cain and Able, the two brothers, are the offspring of the first man and woman on Earth, Adam and Eve. And Cain murdered Able.That is a big problem. In the first family it is told one of the sons kills the other. Terrible start. Omen for the future. We cannot forget what happened. What will happen next? 

What, may we ask, was going on? We may presume the two were close. That they observed each other through early childhood into manhood.They communicated. They were thinking. Observing, communicating, thinking: those three. We all can relate to that much because we are still doing them all the time. They shape our lives and our lives are not getting better. We have many such problems and they multiply.

I have a sister. We grew up very close in a small family of four. Our ages are just two years apart. Yet, many times did I hear my sister tell of a past event we both experienced and was shocked that she remembered it the way she did which was vastly different from my memory of the same event. And she told me a similar thing about my memories. So, even close relatives living together will have entirely different banks of memory stored in the brains. So it probably was for Cain and Able. Consider with me that our future, as we think about it, is shaped by projecting our memories of a past, limited as those memories are. So, we think backward and forward. Our computers can do it now. Humans are taught that the ability to think is going to save them. From what? Thinking and all the problems it causes is all. Notice it is the thinking that teaches us it is our most important ally. Is life but a joke?

Let us take a careful look at what was going on with Cain and Able that might have practical application for us today. Imagine some talk between the two. When they separate they each think about what the other has revealed by sounds and drawings and body language and gestures. They make judgments based on such. As do we today. They watch each other often. Notice similarities and differences. Make more judgments by thinking and form opinions about each other. In this manner did one brother reach the conclusion the other brother must be killed and he was the man to do it. 

Now is it time to notice the weight Cain placed upon his ability to think in order to follow through with his plan. It was so heavy in his brain that thinking was in fact who Cain was and to Cain his image of him put together  by thought  was Able. Simply put, Cain’s thinking killed the image he held in his brain through thinking of Able. Nothing has changed since the beginning. We still live the same way. We  make images, hate images, and kill them. We are taught in the schools of greatest influence all over the Earth that that is all we can do and we have to live with that and make up theories about an after life where we will be different to help us endure such a horrible world. Meanwhile, we go on improving weapons designed for the sole purpose of killing people and there is a huge, huge market for them, increasing.

It has been suggested ever since the time of the story of Cain and Able that there is another way to live…here…now. Up to now, it is largely ignored. People agree or disagree with it but go on killing and preparing to kill. Is it really easier than changing? 

Is thinking the best and only way to utilize the brain? Maybe thinking, being so undeniably limited, is only useful for tasks like matching socks or tying a tie properly, or remembering where the bathroom is. Perhaps the very worst way to use thinking is thinking about ourselves and others since we know how big the cosmos is and how limited is thinking. Could that be the actual problem? Should we and can we free our brains of problems to solve them. I mean absolutely end them. Yes. It has been done. Die to the memories of the past totally and enter the dimension called now and with a free, still brain see the whole picture at once. That is done by courageously deciding to do it. The courage arises the moment a person sees it must be done. What do you see, Brother? Sister?

Wednesday, August 18, 2021


It was like I joined a pack of drunken fortune seekers heading out to the gold fields of California. Hitch your wagon! 

Where you goin’? I don’t know. 

What you gonna find there? 

I ain’t certain. 

All I do know is I am on my way. 

Any lively slogan to be sung with vigor will do but it boils down always to an ignorant, selfish craving for an unknown result that drives human beings of all kinds. Many labels come and go. But the drive remains within us all our lives. The Great Hunger. 

For a few years of my life I was working in the public eye. I said I was doing good for everybody. Truth was, I was seeking treasure for me. My treasure was uncertain but it smelled a lot like power and influence over others who are bound to admire my service to them. I could envision a statue of my likeness standing prominently on a square. My work was scrutinized by the media of the day. It was not unusual for me to be interviewed by the press and television news. As I listened to the news I was told by the interviewer to watch myself on it was every time a complete shock. Nothing about the news report was remotely accurate. Knowing this, I would wonder whether every news story is just as lopsided. Of course, it has to be so. And yet I kept watching news and reading publications regularly which reported the lies it pours into our brains for many more years. It was apparent many educated people do the same and believe themselves to be well-informed. About what? Junk. It amounts to a madness whereby a force these well-informed trusted people of influence do not see is feeding them what it wants them to learn. Like an evil mother with a poison breast might feed a helpless child. Now, do not stop here and form your opinions of who that evil asshole is and analyze the situation in order to organize a gang to oppose them in like manner. Why? Well, it smells like power and influence. Besides, that is what you have been doing for generations and the trouble is growing stronger and stronger as you are sucked into its evil web of destruction it is time to reevaluate. 

The fact is the trouble resides in us. Not outside us. (a full paragraph) 

The Great Hunger is in fact back of your selfish self-centered desires, all of them, as they change even. Everybody’s got ‘em. Society is driven by greed. It is organized for that very purpose. It is formed to make you feed at the poison breast of an evil it has you hypnotized to believe you are, which you are not, and it wants you to believe you are something that has no real existence at all instead of trusting your true mother’s good, wholesome milk of love. Your society has an evil use for every fool. Its job is to sell its stuff to you which you do not need if only you had a good mother’s teat. In thought are you trapped and you are your society now. To restore dignity you have to change. (Remember where the trouble resides?)

A self-centered observer of the things of the world goes unnoticed by me because I identify my existence with that puppet. It is a form of blindness. Since I am crazy I aim crazy. I do not see straight. My milk is evil. It spoils my days. I must change. I must turn away from the poison breast. The voice that asks “How?” is the monster’s voice. Etch that on your brain. No action is appropriate. Once the false observer is seen, it is all over for it. Kill it daily. Kill it hourly. With a single eye, kill it now. It takes a single eye to see what does not in fact exist. You will know, instantly, without a doubt, who you are.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

 We serve symbols.

We ignore facts at our own peril. 

Vital is it we change and soon. 

Fact: Every human being on Earth is very, very, very valuable.  

Almost all humans on Earth are overlooked for many and various reasons all stemming from ignorance. That ignorance stems from serving symbols.

Inside the limits of any game of symbols there will, of course, be winners who excel far beyond the masses. These people are symbolized as celebrities (winners) and all the rest are encouraged to imitate the winners in the tiny, almost minuscule chance they might themselves or their children become winners. The major games are called civilizations or nations and their subparts. Such arrangements pale in the face of a world where facts are superior to symbols.

In such a world lighted by truth everybody has plenty and enjoys life abundantly.There are no leaders in such a happy world, only trusted servants. And here, my friends is the very best news: 

This world can be occupied by anyone who chooses to live there now by simply making a commitment to oneself to cease to serve symbols.

And the symbol-servers will never suspect you have taken such action for to them there is no such place as Utopia on Earth. The moment two of us make the shift we will be drawn to each other and will recognize each other as one of the once misfit now fellow travelers on the road of happy destiny as a lightening strike of fact makes the rain fall at last. 

And how many of the wisest must say there is no greater beauty in life than the lost, forgotten, rejected, hated and despised redeemed and given new life before it is true?

Thursday, August 5, 2021

 You imagine you are doing what is right for the country or your family or your buddies in the corps, a hoax concocted to make humans turn themselves into railroad passengers or some such shit.