Key To Freedom
Recently, I was told by a friend, “Ownership of private property is the key to freedom”. I was stunned. And I responded quite forcefully, “I do not agree with you!”
Let us look at a simple flower, a lily of the field, if you will, in a new way. Ask, does the lily search for ways to provide its needs by studying alternatives, choosing one, and working with all its might to be successful as a flower? Or rather does the flower understand itself well enough already it must act as that flower and receive, as a result, a flower’s needs as they arise? When it is told here that a flower understands itself it is a matter of expressing a state of unification within the flower that makes it behave as a flower is brilliantly designed to function. Finding that state inside yourself, a human, is true meditation.
In the present state of society there is no such way for a baby human to do as the flower and simply be what it is. The baby is going to have dumped into its brain a formula created by other humans and that formula requires the child to grow up to be someone who has tried to become something it is not naturally in order to be labeled in some manner or other “A model citizen”. The system we all know involves a striving to obtain money to buy what one needs as a human being, which requires one to go to “expert” humans to find out a list of those requirements on the grounds that a child does not know what it needs in the way a flower is endowed by the same creator of all the living. By now do you sense the corruption in all this malarky?
Who will benefit when the child gives itself over to society’s formula? What can become of a child who follows this path? You know. You are that child.
Children, at different points along the path assigned to them, will suffer a sense of loss. Asking others, it will be told that everybody is in the same boat and “get used to it”. Adjust. Seek a counselor, a guru, a priest, or. some other professional “expert” if you need help adjusting to “the real world”. Do you sense another sign of corruption? You should. You are that child. And this world is not “real”. It is in no way healthy to adjust oneself to life in a corrupt society.
At this point in my conversation with my friend who told me ownership of private property is the key to freedom my friend told me any other reading is a seeking of a “Utopia” which is not real and not available to humans. I know better and am counting on you to know better too. Humans are not abandoned to an unnatural system involving loneliness, separation, conflict, envy, deceit, hatred, wars, and all the rest of it, any more than are flowers.
The key to freedom happens to be to seek first the natural human within, be that, and all else will be added to you by that which feeds flowers. And corruption, for you, will cease to be as if by magic.
Choice is a mental operation that divides a human inside. A human being out of touch with its nature resorts to making choices. It brings conflict and suffering. Being human is being absent of choice and, so, absent of conflict and suffering and the result is right living. Be you.