THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Thursday, April 29, 2021


Do you want to know what it is you do not know, or not? Do you prefer to remain ignorant as you believe that way is safer for you than knowing?

Sounds to me like you are saying you want the unknown to be revealed but first you want to know what it is going to be, is that so?

Do you not see clearly how stupid that is? See how you have canceled what it is you ask for in the same breath?  It was promised long ago, “Ask and you shall receive” but it was not suggested you will receive what you ask not for.

I had a friend once tell me she wanted both knowledge and ignorance. I pitied her. Does she want a ridiculous and trivial thing or does she want something deeper? You are confused when you say I do not know but want to know but first want a guarantee that I will like it. Now you see clearly, make use of it for its value is beyond measure. Remain in clarity.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

 It wasn’t a thing that had been learnt through choice; it had come about through sheer necessity. Anonymous

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

                               Does Life Need Saving?

There is a phrase (saved my life). DID I HAVE LIFE or DID LIFE HAVE ME? Which reminds us now who among us knows what life is? Yet nobody denies its existence? Can ELECTRICITY ever be lost or DESTROYED? That is the question. 

How big life? And is it a thing which can be possessed by some vain, dying entity named “me”? What would be the nature of such an entity as one that could possess life? Is it not so that life brings to a body consciousness enough to even ask these questions? What can make or destroy consciousness?

People are so conceited as to speak of matters concerning which they are in complete darkness as if everybody listening knows the matter clearly and thoroughly. It is often said by the ignorant that God made us that way...stupid. It is such arrogance that is back of suffering, not death. Such is the enduring draw of every tragedy of literature. It could have been avoided. Vanity, vanity.  All is vanity. And that is funny and freeing, not sad.

Is it not possible at least that life itself lives and all other inquiries follow and depend upon that fact? In death nothing much happens. And you can even say bye-bye before you die and mean it.

It is no tragedy that there is no answer to a prayer however fervently delivered for electricity to please surrender forth its power on behalf of a fictitious entity. Recall Pinocchio? Any boy who wants to be a real boy is one, by Golly!

Wake up. There are more links in your brain than there are stars in the observable Universe. Meditation changes the cells of your body and the contents of those cells change.

Monday, April 19, 2021

 What Would The King Say?

I recently watched the award-winning film “The King’s Speech” and enjoyed it. It is based on history as we are taught it. The acting is superb and the film making first class and it is well written. Later, that evening, I had a sudden urge to rewrite the whole story myself. This is going to be fun. And here it is-

It is 1934 Britain. The wife of a tongue-tied prince seeks out a specialist who has helped people who have lost the ability to speak clearly recover. She fears her husband might one day be called upon to be king although he is not first in line to succeed the reigning monarch, King George. She and the Prince have two daughters, Elizabeth and Margaret. Now, this woman was most reluctant to marry the tongue tied prince in the first place and turned him done more than once because she hated the idea of being a public figure and being robbed of a private life should he become king. Everyone who has studied the Modern History of England knows already that her husband does become King when his brother advocates the throne to marry the woman he loves. And we know Elizabeth became and remains to this day Queen upon the death of her father, also a King George. We also know that the once tongue tied prince recovers through the love of the teacher and wins World war II. Hurrah!

But, what if the teacher had stopped teaching for some reason and the stammerer had failed to recover and refused to be a clown king? Elizabeth was a minor. A war was upon the land. The wife we mentioned earlier who sought out a gifted teacher for her husband, the prince, as Queen mother might be in charge until Elizabeth reached the age of majority? But she hates the idea and refuses. So, is a younger brother to the stammerer to become king? The process is stupefying. I see the stage set perfectly for a revelation in all of Europe and beyond that causes people to rethink the whole circumstance of monarchs and what-not and see the absurdity of it all which is behind the impending war worldwide and about to kill millions including babies and mothers and grandmothers and, so, just cancel it on the obvious reason that most if not all people want a private life of their own making and so war is just obsolete.

The movie I just watched was justified as an historical account of bravery and loyalty at a time of peril which enabled the mad war to be won at tremendous cost in human life and suffering by us…the ones whose history tells we are good and righteous people. But it might have unfolded otherwise as I see it today. How many times might we have just barely missed the ending forever of war among humans on Earth and not been aware of opportunity knocking. Is that not a form of

blindness? So we return to the same movie again and again. 

  So long as we remain blind to our role, each one of us, in the making of blindness to the truth that freedom is not choice but clarity of thinking and do something drastic to change our own individual thinking it will go on and on and on until we destroy ourselves in a tragically grotesque manner.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

 How Long, Buddy?

Someone you know is wondering about the purpose of life. Is confused about his or her own purpose as a living human being here. What do you want to do? The person is asked. “I always wanted to play a guitar.” She replies. When you find a teacher do you already know what the teacher will eventually say to you? “Yes.” She replied. What is that? “She will say, do not worry about how or why so much, just play.”

Someone else is confused about the meaning of life. What do you enjoy? He is asked. “I like playing basketball.”  He replies. Do you have a coach? He is asked. “Yes.” What does the coach tell you about how to play a basketball game with the best results? He is asked. “That’s easy, he constantly  preaches, “Let the game come to you.”

“What is my role in what has been and what will be?” You ask. Why do you ask me that question? “I need to learn how to live here properly.” You declare. That image of yourself, at the center, as observer, who strives to change this or that, is only in the way. “Why do you say that to me?”  There is no rehearsal for life. No rewind. No examination. No coach. Nothing else  like it. 

Your life has been stolen by the confusion in the mind of the observer which is the source of choice planted there to control you. That troublemaker wrongly calls itself freedom. In clarity there is no choice to be made. Total action is immediate. That is true freedom. 

Cease confusion totally this instant! Expose the observer. Then, letting  life come to you, stop calling yourself by names someone else hung on you.  Be aware. All the time be aware.

Trust the force that brought you here to be a friend who wants you to be here for the entire duration then will take you home. Live in rapture for God’s sake!

Once upon a time there was a man in Ireland named Pat. He was busy packing a bag for a trip when his neighbors dropped by. “Where you going, Pat?” The neighbors asked. “I aim to go to Dublin.” Pat replied. “Oh, you mean, God willing, you are going to Dublin, dontcha, Pat?” “No. I mean I am going to Dublin.” Pat replied. 

Just like that Pat was turned into a frog and cast into a well where he remained for seven years.

Back home as himself, Pat began to pack his bag for a trip and his neighbors dropped by. “Where you going, Pat?” The neighbors asked. “I aim to go to Dublin.” Pat replied. “Oh, you mean, God willing, you are going to Dublin, dontcha, Pat?” “No. I mean I am going to Dublin.” Pat replied. 

Just like that Pat was turned into a frog and cast into a well where he remained for another seven years.

Back home as himself, Pat began to pack his bag for a trip and his neighbors dropped by. “Where you going, Pat?” The neighbors asked. “I aim to go to Dublin.” Pat replied. “Oh, you mean, God willing, you are going to Dublin, dontcha, Pat?” “No. I mean I am either going to Dublin or I am gonna live in that fucking well.” Pat replied. 

Imagine this: you live in a world where your parents decide who you will marry. You secretly want to make that choice for yourself, you think. As you see it, the power to make that choice for yourself would be freedom. 

But, in truth, should you be given the power to choose a spouse for yourself you will not be free at all. You will be confused by choice and lost in it. It will be terrible for you. And you will not know why that is so.  People, like you,  will tell you that you made a poor choice every time you marry and every time you do not.

To be free is to be clear. So, the important first question is not, can I choose my own husband or wife? but can I be clear? That is what you must discover for yourself, my friend.

Imagine you live in a place where a tyrant is in charge. You may wish to be able to choose your leader. The observer will tell you that is freedom. Those who vote for their leaders are free, it believes. Should you get the right to vote will you be free? 

Has a free horse a rider? Is a human who is free and clear not his own leader? Think about it. Pay close attention. Nobody can think about it for you. This is one thing you do alone. And “alone” is a tricky word. It was originally two words…all one.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021


The Great Depression was before my time but my parents lived through it and were profoundly affected by it. About 130 years into a world created by man that promised freedom for all the bottom fell out. To this day, and the reason I bring up this event, is nobody knows what caused it. Those most closely aligned with the system of capitalism which was sold as the way of individual freedom (bankers, investors, CEO’s, professors) all clueless. Ultimately, it took a terrible world war to bring the system back up.

The freedom for all that a manmade system can bring about is limited indeed! It is characterized by the Lottery. It means, and means only, everybody has a tiny, minuscule chance to become rich and powerful enough to expect to be free. All the rest will struggle  for enough their whole lives. The rich ones will struggle for more, always for more. Who among them are free? Are birds ever free from the chains of the skyway? Me sees all man has accomplished so far amounts to swapping one set of chains for another. The modern concentration camp is a subdivision of half million dollar houses that all look the same. Driving by them frequently the great sadness is felt.

What if LIFE itself has within it all we need to be free? How would a clear thinking human being approach the magnificence of LIFE to find out? Am I asking where does the road to LIFE begin? You must have passed that way or you would not be. In what manner or posture will one approach such a road as the one which brought you to life? If anyone is foolish enough to tell you the name of a person who has the key will you follow? Or, do you know better? Do you know already a truth that transcends the line of nonsense you have been taught? Do you know that I know that you know the answer that resides in you and for you alone?

Sunday, April 11, 2021

 What We Ask For We Receive

But we are asking the wrong question for we ask our question prematurely. 

Question not: How Can I Make The World Better? This question is asked by someone who is shopping for a goal. Some certainty is desired but adding certainty to confusion means I am certainly confused, am I not?  A person who is confused knows not even what life is all about. If I do not know life I am not alive. I am dead.

First ask: Am I Alive In This One? In the world as it is. And I suggest a serious trial when you are ready.

Seek to know whether I am actually alive in this chaotic world I am in. Or, could it be I am merely a conditioned thought machine run wild spewing out thought after thought after thought ad infinitum? And, seriously, could my runaway thoughts be the source of the chaos I experience?  Can I cease my thinking? Even for a second? How about 1/2 of 1/2 of 1/2 of a second? Can confusion be ended? Where confusion ends clarity is. An empowered person, alone, is alive. If you think what was just written to be a selfish statement, notice that only a human who is clear standing alone a complete unknown can be of any real help to anyone else. Am I alive? Do I even want to be alive? Does the question am I alive frighten me? So, is it clear to me now I am somebody else’s thought machine too frightened to stop its motion or interfere with its chaos?

I am here. It is clear. I am not too frightened to risk some thought becoming reality in order to be alive. Everybody must get stoned.

Friday, April 9, 2021

Saturday, April 3, 2021

Thursday, April 1, 2021

 What Is Electricity?

Nobody knows what electricity is. Nikola Tesla 

Every human being is an engine geared to the wheel work of the Universe. Also Nikola Tesla

Tesla is responsible for alternating current development and transmission technology upon which all modern technology depends.

What is certain by now is that in exploiting the Universe's wheel work in ignorance of the consequences we have produced many gadgets to be sold for profit and to addict people to crave more and more and more of them regardless of and with no study of its cost to all humanity that may come with the loss of respect for the sacred.

What Is Sacred?

Nobody knows.  Every human being is an engine geared to the wheel work of the Universe. Religions once exercised authority concerning a question of what is sacred. They were gradually and uniformly absorbed into a worldwide team of crafty dudes with trickery enough to exploit the gullible and superstitious. None of them even remember anymore how the whole religious thing got started before there were electric light and power companies to save us.  By the later part of the 20th Century, there arose a popular product to feed the once religious gullible and superstitious who had become disillusioned with religion, a line of crap that amounts to “How to Be Rich and Successful Billionaires” or “How to Be a Winner in the Race to Exploit the Sacred”. 

Are we ready to begin a serious dialog along lines which transcend the gullible and superstitious?

Is life sacred? If so, how does one approach the sacred? 

Surely not with the words of man. One comes from another place entirely.