THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Friday, March 19, 2021

  A Most Important Question

Hello. I just made an important discovery I wish to share with you now. When I hit bottom in the early eighties I said to myself inwardly in silence “if you are there please help me.”

Just then, a man I had met 5 years earlier at a quit smoking seminar put on by the American Cancer Society rode up on a bicycle taking his daily exercise. (He told me later.) His name is Buddy Sims. Buddy listened to me ramble concerning my unhappy life and all I hated about being alive in a human body without enough true information to make a good experience for myself in spite of my best efforts to do so.  Buddy then invited me to a meeting and I accepted primarily out of hope he is the answer to my prayer of desperation. 

It turned out Buddy was an active member of Alcoholics Anonymous. The meeting he took me to was one made up of of those people who are so sick they cannot help themselves but need the help of  others to stop drinking.  When I realized where I was I wanted to escape immediately for I just knew I did not belong with such people. I wished them well but was not of their type I was sure. Boy, was I wrong!

I sat in my chair and listened long enough to their stories  to feel a part. The feeling I had was to me, “ I AM HOME AT LAST!” 

I will end my story of AA membership here for now because I want to tell you what I learned today that floored me. Later, I will be willing to talk and write at length on all that has been given me since late 1982 up to this moment for which I am unqualifiedly grateful.

Before that experience with my friend, Buddy, about two or three years, I was in a doctor’s office with a case of flu. I wanted to run in a 10K race in Austin to be held in few days so wanted a quick boost of energy to make me strong enough to finish my run.

The doctor prescribed some medicine and some advice and wished me good luck on a speedy recovery. I liked her manner so I asked her a question I had been carrying for many years with no answer. “Doctor Richardson, I asked, why do we age at all?”

She looked at me as if shocked at my speaking that question to anybody, as if everybody knows the answer. So, I added, “Look, it is obvious to me that we had the capability to grow from a tiny zygote in our mother’s womb into something as large as I am now so why would a being with that much ability not have the ability to reverse any aging effect at will? 

I mean those two operations, growing from conception to a grown man fully alert and functioning and the reversal of any effects of time on that same body seem to me to go hand in hand. Whatever can do one should be able to do the other.” 

My poor doctor was not feeling well herself by now. I had asked a question she was supposed to be trained to answer and she had no clue what to say so she spoke in an aggravated way, “Well, aging is a natural process and we all must go through it and grow old and die.” (without her speaking it, I heard “So shut the fuck up!”)

FastForward 40 years and I hear via the internet a medical research scientist from Harvard medical school tell an audience that aging is now being accepted as a medical condition and the ability to reverse aging is no longer a question of can we but when.

It is important to tell you now that between 1996 and 2021 I have been purposefully reversing the aging of my own body and living as I was told Merlyn did, backwards. You may think me crazy but I have been doing it scientifically through a meditation technique and with results! But this writing really is not to convince any reader to follow a program I might recommend but is only to touch hearts with the clear message that the Great Force that is behind the world we observe did something amazing and people have taught it was done at the beginning for thousands or perhaps millions of years. That One put itself inside the human being. That One put the infinite inside the finite. It has been called a soul and a heart and the seat of consciousness and many other names but the important thing is to find out for yourself it is true and that it is there to work for you in all that you want to do. 

The scientists are making the discovery slowly by experimenting with mice and developing drugs and treatment procedures.  I tell you simply that my friend Buddy was making faster and more reliable strides in reversing aging by riding his bicycle regularly. Another great scientist said, “Bottomless wonders spring from simple rules repeated without end.” Benoit Mandelbrot Something inside Buddy had given him the the knowledge to exercise regularly and the strength to perform the work. That Something is in you. We can find out the whole truth of it and experience it for ourselves for free in no time. Paying attention to what lies within you at the core is so rich an experience it is called the world of bottomless wonders. Or, the Kingdom of God. It is like a spring bubbling up from the earth . An artesian well of unbelievable scope!  Explore!

I am excited to challenge all readers from this moment forward to discover you are able to do the work not to “make a living” but work that answers the big questions of your hearts: ”what can be done?” and  “How can I help?” This prayer will bring forth the world we all dream of but that has never been. Of all things the bottomless wonders allow us to know what to do when something we don't know about suddenly appears. A new world. Are we ready?

Thursday, March 18, 2021

 My Best Friend

Oral Historian:  I did some research on young Billy the Kid before the show and have to ask this question of you. The character named Alias pops up several times in historical writings without explanation except Alias was the name of your best friend. What can you tell our audience about Alias if you will? 

Youth: My friend. 

Oral Historian: Is there no more you can reveal about this anonymous friend with the curious name of Alias?

Youth: What can anyone tell concerning the truest of friends?  Loved Alias more for what she wasn’t than for what she was. I wanted Alias to stay for no reason so when she had to leave I did not miss her.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

 Let Us Milk A Cow By The Hand Of Love And Share The Ice Cream.     Ran Smith Dairy

Monday, March 8, 2021


In my past were many times I threw parties drunk on a lot of booze and basically forced people to join in.  It always came from a deep need to get people to understand me and relate to me as caring beings should and love me and show me they loved me by joining my party and it never worked out. I kept trying, though. Trying to make something good of what was a mess o’ words. Words. Words. Words.

I went to church this morning at 6:00 a.m. and listened to marvelous chanting of words...words...words.  I am beginning to understand why I am drawn to the Eastern Orthodox Christian services.  First, I am drawn to the power of language.  Always have been.  But now I see how as people we demand that the Mystery come to us on our terms. The Biblical accounts of the Jews and God seem almost crazy to me. Like bickering children are they. Their God is a nasty adolescent. He rants. They rant back and on it goes. Whenever I listen too much to the words I begin an argument inside my head. If, however, I let the words go on by and just feel I touch that in me that longs to know.  From there I empathize with the Jews.  I pick up isolated phrases that illuminate the experience for me. Like this morning, out of nowhere, I heard some Rabbi quoted as saying thanks for "initiating us in the knowledge."  That is the precise language my own master used to describe what he could do for me.  And he did.  He initiated me into the knowledge. The rest has been up to me.  He showed me out of love how to turn inside myself and find what I had always been searching for outside myself. find it inside. To experience it there. Jesus taught the mystery to his 12 and maybe a few others, like Mary Magdalene.  Everyone has need of this knowledge.


Basically, there are two distinct approaches of man to his God.  One is the popular one that has been established in World Orders of Religious History and Ritual and is practiced everywhere in Temples built by man.  Without noticing it, these people, with the best of intentions, virtually create a relationship with their God by words. They make promises and their God promises back…in their language and voices, incidentally. They tell stories....again in their language and voices...about God.  In this manner has a God been created by man.                                          

These people have named their God and named their Religion and built churches and synagogues and temples. These people, without questioning it, assume there is a God before they begin their search.  This is convenient and meant to keep things orderly,  from getting too nasty or frightening. And yet, so much of what these guys experience is nasty, scary, horrible terror. Always their kind are at war with another such group and the butchery is unbelievable in scope and  pure brutality.  Noticing not the inevitability that such outrages must come from following “OUR GOD”. More important, though, this practice has prevented discovery of the actual truth. To know in one's own heart that God is love and not the word "love" but the power itself inside us all.


There is a way to approach the knowledge. Some come to God by bending the knee of the heart in secret, alone and empty of desires, and are willing to accept whatever is to be shown, absolutely on the terms of that which is sought.  Even are we willing to be shown: there is no God at all.  That is a mouthful.

These ones want the truth more than they want anything else.  And they find something that does not speak to man in man's language but in the language known to every infant at birth...known to even a tiny butterfly... which language cannot be placed in a book of man to be kept from the uneducated ones or those who refuse after hearing of it to join the Church that is created by the hand of man. 

Let it be known, there is a church that was not created by the hand of man to which all who are born belong by an inalienable right granted in the Dimension of Heaven at the moment of conception. The rolls of this church cannot be altered and no money is sought or needed by this church for the walls of the church enclose the Heavens above where all stars and planets and moons are in attendance. Such a church only gives for its needs are none. It gives sunshine and the breath of life to all on equal terms. In this church is opportunity freely given. Take it or leave it. And there is a way to learn, at a deeper and deeper level throughout a lifetime of the relationship of one single human being to a breath. That is the meaning of religion, derived from the term relationship  which is how one thing is tied to another in affinity.


As I was leaving the church this morning, my gaze fell upon a set of photographs of men in robes with great chains around their necks to uphold heavy jewelry .  These guys are church celebrities. Their names are prominently displayed.  One is immediately struck by the falseness of it all.  Here are they publicly denying the truth of all those chants I heard this morning.  "Our religion is fake" they admit.  "There is only the glory of man to be sought finally" those photos shout. "There is no God save us!" they claim. Of the truth of the words of man's written scriptures these learned scholars do not even know.  Why not?  Because they come not  empty to find whatever there is to be found but presume to know. How do I know this? Those pictures tell it. 

Nobody keeps 10 commandments…Jesus said that… so just keep the one…the first one. Love. Simple. Done.

One can proclaim in God’s name:  “ I will smite the wicked in their tracks and give them boils and break their backs and visit on them plagues and cause creepy, crawly things to molest them and take away their pleasure drive and leave them in fear and terror and sorrow and cold and wet and hungry and lame and blind and deaf and wishing for the end….dissatisfied. 

Or, one may merely sing out that all a man complains about is of his own making from ignorance of what is carried inside him. The trouble with the former approach is how it blames God for the evil man has done and indicates God is somehow incapable of or unwilling to make a thoroughly good world.  

There must be actual observation of the present in place of observation from the past that has led only to “my conclusions” before anyone can see what actually is.  Absent judgment or condemnation, one simply watches it flower and disappear. Cells of your body change. The contents of those cells change. You become a light unto yourself. At the close of sorrow lies passion.

My reader, please now go to the address in cyberspace here given to hear a talk worth all the gold in the world to you.  Go now. 


Let Us Milk A Cow By The Hand Of Love And Share The Ice Cream.     Ran Smith Dairy