In halls and halls FILLED WITH books man praises his story…His Story…History. All you need to know is it’s his story. And, in truth, there is no such goddamned thing! The full-time job of a stupid person, and all persons are stupid, is to promote day and night a stupid point of view and all such ideas are stupid, empty and really pointless. Every point of view is without dimension. That’s the point! They give each other awards for this and make promises concerning a future in a rose garden. Swear to each other undying loyalty as they build a ladder that will enable them to rise above it all. Over dead bodies.
Each person pretends to be unique but all amount to “same things”. Sameness turns to dullness. Dullness implies treatment. Doctor Feel Good is called for. That is the beginning of hell in the human brain. Second most powerful thing in the Universe has taken control of that brain. For awhile the stupid person in Hell is aware he is watching himself from somewhere else. Gradually the light grows dimmer until it goes out. That’s it! A robot is complete as a small, blind central point pointing through imagination only. It has been said that in a world of the blind the one-eyed man is king.
I saw the heart break.
I saw it break in the boy’s eyes and across his injured face.
I saw the heart break and I could not stop accusing him and piling on blame.
I am so sickened and carry such shame.
He’s grown to be a good man, kind and strong
in spite of what I did to him one night
which has lasted my life long.
Then, suddenly, from another place, the shame was seen and to those eyes is gone. That is forgiveness!