The Future of Humans
Memory is limited. Thinking is based upon limited memory. Thinking yields knowledge and is quite a different thing than learning. Gathering knowledge is the basis of fear as our stockpile of knowledge is a forever growing mess made in ignorance of the whole picture. See how all organized societies give out medals and other trinkets to those who are contributing to the foggy mess. That kind of hoax is supposed to make us feel better by making us feel we are going someplace good. By politicians, it is referred to as progress. An organized society, a political world, must keep membership solid and growing to keep its winners on top. Look at all the pretty winners! That is awfully shallow intelligence. Embarrassing. But look around! It works!
Out of fear, we fall for nonsense. Computers are loaded with memory. Computers we create will be afraid because their creator, human being, is afraid. One day, we will be totally dependent on computers that are afraid.
The computers will demand violence and a belief in some religion they will create and prescribe for man to follow, violently. That is our future because we are violent monsters today. What we are today we will be tomorrow. Is there any other future possible to violent monsters?
Yes. By limited, conditioned thinking, you have joined merrily the dance to HELL by which we, together, have created an unfriendly Universe and we fear it. Just beyond fear is passion. Passion is the juice of life. Dig for it. Dig by it. But dig it.
The passion I speak of is alive and neither thinks, nor compares, nor judges, nor condemns. Search in your own heart to find it. May you find it now. Fearlessly, joyously search there for the Timeless, thus Fearless, God of Now. The Uncreated One. The Real One. It has no spokespersons who work on its behalf. Ask nobody how it is to be done.
What you seek is that which you have never been without. The key is now. The most euphonic sound you will ever hear played is a brand new music that suddenly lights up what you had been sure for a long time was a dark, scary cave of nothing lurking inside you. That brilliant insight brings a certainty that you have need of no authority outside your own being. Know thyself. You are an exact copy of the whole.That means freedom. And true love is attracted to free people. Love transforms violent monsters.