Civilization is the culprit in the play of life. Since its history is written to justify the killing of other people who were only imagined to be unlike the killers, truth plays no part in history of a civilization. And civilization never plays fair. It is a fact that the very leaders who condemned to death war criminals from WWII, acted in exactly the same manner as the condemned immediately following the victory even using notes the criminals made concerning their crimes as guides to be duplicated and enlarged upon. And, anyone who writes laws for other people to follow would be totally amazed (and embarrassed) to be shown that people who are related to in a loving manner as unfragmented, dignified adults knowing exactly how to use information to decide for themselves how to live among others harmoniously will always act bravely and wisely and consider another as themselves with another face. I say this because in a former life I was actually a lawmaker who was shown in just this way. I had the opportunity to change for the better and see with new eyes how great a human being is when freed to show it.