THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Hello. My name is P K Sudox Bird
and I am a whooper swan. 

 I hear people think.  

One thinks, a person has broken a rule.  That person is bad.  Sound the alarm!  We must bring the culprit to justice and change his behavior immediately. Bring the accused before us to be dealt with for we are filled with righteous anger! 

Another thinks, They tell me a rule has been broken by one of us. Sound the alarm! Someone needs our help. We must amend our thinking immediately.  Another rule has gone amuck as they do each time we make one. We must remember that the only rule is that there are no rules so as to to conform our thinking to reality for truth is love and nothing outside it is true. No matter what we think. No matter what. No matter what.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

…with a brain empty of suspicion and prejudgment which can see the whole picture  love will arise and join the dialogue between the two of you and, so, the presence of a miracle enters the matter. This is a fact. Simply make a move to another dimension. A brain empties in the face of a fact. Do you know such a simple fact?

Johnny Whooper Swan

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Bad Kids: You hear that a kid has done something wrong.  He’s bad.  We need to do something.

One guy goes to the Kid and asks first, “Did you do that?  Are you guilty?  Why did you do that? Do you admit you were wrong? Are you willing to promise to change and do right? 

Another guy goes to the kid and asks , “Who are you, Son? Are you what I see? And his investigation goes as deep as possible on that score. Then, depending on what he has learned, he may probe into some other things like, What matters most to you? What has made you so angry?  Or, what is it you want, really? What do you need?  What holds you back, if anything?  How can I help you? If you could have your way what would that look like to you? Keeping always on the trail of similarities, not differences throughout the visit, this guy is certain the change needed, if any, is for the kid to know himself. His questioning  will come only with a brain empty of suspicion and prejudgment which can see the whole picture and then love will arise and join the dialogue between the two. Then the presence of a miracle is in the room. This is a fact.

The two are entirely different ways. We gotta move to another dimension and soon or perish. It’s that urgent already.  No time to lose.

Monday, December 2, 2019


Meditation begins at the ending of a meditator. 

Before that, all it is is another attitude of management. “I will take Nirvana by force of my will using the proper technique and become a happy person.” Ego, the symbolic you, can appear to be a very humble person. It’s a tricky,  imaginary gremlin. But not to be taken lightly. It will become the meditator if you want it to do so.

But the meditator can be ended. By seeing through its veil, not by doing spiritual trickery. Look within into a complete darkness where light is so bright a symbol is blinded and cannot see its way, look with all your attention. In the opinion of the symbolic world that amounts to doing something that has no payoff. In other words, it is being good for nothing. Useless. The world that is not symbolic is a friendly world where action is purposeless. That means the doing is its own reward. That means freedom. That means fulfillment.

As it is, we live in a world of symbols and we are caught there without noticing it has happened to us.  We even call where we live”The Real World”. But we were young when the hypnosis began. We held out but the job became too great for us. So, we gave in. 

Meditation begins at the ending of a meditator. 

Before that, all it is is another attitude of management. “I will take Nirvana by force of my will using the proper technique and become a happy person.” Ego, the symbolic you, can appear to be a very humble person. It’s a tricky,  imaginary gremlin. But not to be taken lightly. It will become the meditator if you want it to do so.

But the meditator can be ended. By seeing through its veil, not by doing spiritual trickery. Look within into a complete darkness where light is so bright a symbol is blinded and cannot see its way, look with all your attention. In the opinion of the symbolic world that amounts to doing something that has no payoff. In other words, it is being good for nothing. Useless. The world that is not symbolic is a friendly world where action is purposeless. That means the doing is its own reward. That means freedom. That means fulfillment.

As it is, we live in a world of symbols and we are caught there without noticing it has happened to us.  We even call where we live”The Real World”. But we were young when the hypnosis began. We held out but the job became too great for us. So, we gave in. 

 A symbolic life is never going to fulfill the human spirit. The True One always does. Once ego ends, a life of meditation begins. It is here we join the real world. It is not necessary to leave the symbolic life only right where you stand withdraw from its ways. One can remain clear and live among those caught in the world of symbols, the political world, enjoying the present moment waiting to be noticed. If noticed, we pass on the truth, using symbols that bind those in the unreal world. Hey, we say, stop taking yourself so seriously!

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The Future of Humans

Memory is limited. Thinking is based upon limited memory. Thinking yields knowledge and is quite a different thing than learning. Gathering knowledge is the basis of fear as our stockpile of knowledge is a forever growing mess made in ignorance of the whole picture.  See how all organized societies give out medals and other trinkets to those who are contributing to the foggy mess.  That kind of hoax is supposed to make us feel better by making us feel we are going someplace good. By politicians, it is referred to as progress. An organized society, a political world, must keep membership solid and growing to keep its winners on top. Look at all the pretty winners! That is awfully shallow intelligence. Embarrassing. But look around! It works! 

Out of fear, we fall for nonsense. Computers are loaded with memory. Computers we create will be afraid because their creator, human being, is afraid. One day, we will be totally dependent on computers that are afraid. 

The computers will demand violence and a belief in some religion they will create and prescribe for man to follow, violently. That is our future because we are violent monsters today. What we are today we will be tomorrow. Is there any other future possible to violent monsters? 

Yes. By limited, conditioned thinking, you have joined merrily the dance to HELL by which we, together, have created an unfriendly Universe and we fear it. Just beyond fear is passion. Passion is the juice of life. Dig for it. Dig by it. But dig it.

The passion I speak of is alive and neither thinks, nor compares, nor judges, nor condemns. Search in your own heart to find it.  May you find it now. Fearlessly, joyously search there for the Timeless, thus Fearless, God of Now. The Uncreated One. The Real One. It has no spokespersons who work on its behalf. Ask nobody how it is to be done. 

What you seek is that which you have never been without. The key is now. The most euphonic sound you will ever hear played is a brand new music that suddenly lights up what you had been sure for a long time was a dark, scary cave of nothing lurking inside you. That brilliant insight brings a certainty that you have need of no authority outside your own being. Know thyself. You are an exact copy of the whole.That means freedom. And true love is attracted to free  people. Love transforms violent monsters.


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Gist of It

I was born on the day of my birth on Planet Earth.

I took it wrong.

When I was willing to be shown I was mistaken, I was shown.

When I discovered I was mistaken I ceased being mistaken.

My life began to make sense to me.

I am content.  And I am grateful to be so.

My name is Nobody. My age it means less. 

Nobody can teach anybody else that he or she is mistaken.

Willingness is the key.

When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease being mistaken or cease being honest.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Think over this. 

The dominant theme of every civilization has been -

Look what we built. We put together ideas to make a way of life run by a few great leaders who brought forth a conquering wave of violence to claim a whole Empire. It was financed by a false system of abstract wealth and placed upon the backs of a hypnotized citizenry taught to value it above all else and call it THE REAL WORLD. Our children will thank us for it, was the mantra. 

Have any children ever thanked their parents for teaching them to believe in an empire of this sort?  No. It taught them life is a tragic mistake, make the best of it while you can and pass it on.

People who believe in Dynasties say nothing is accomplished without sacrifice. Notice that fact. Would it not be tragic to learn that accomplishment was never the aim;  but simply to spread love  to everybody? I am certain children would never cease thanking their parents for that.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Why, do you think, would anybody bother to admonish another that only a fool reinvents the wheel? Why not mess around with their wheel?  It's damn sure broke. Start from scratch. Make it up as an original, all or any part of it, as if you were not born yesterday, but at the dawn of today. Not for somebody else though, for you! You may meet up with allies in places you least suspect to find them and discover unexpected resources you tend to neglect.

Thursday, October 10, 2019


To be wild is like being aware that you are living in a room with a poisonous snake.  You must be so very alert.  Life depends upon it! To be so alert, so vigilant , so keenly present, is pure bliss. That is why boys and men and girls and women who have fought in a war become addicted to it to the extent  they secretly yearn for another war. But, addiction is a disease that cripples and wounds the heart and drives a person to insanity’s door. What is to be discovered by telling the story of a wild boy is that there is a way to get in touch with who we are, as we are, a wild one, who requires no substitute. The true human is brave, soft, kind, and peaceful by nature. Life is not chaos, but rather, a work of painstaking design.  Not the work of a person, it is NOT to be lived by persons, those silly, limited undependable, dishonest creatures we are not. There. You have it!

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

I need consoling.

Well, either I am alive or I am not.
If I am alive, I have everything I need.
I know I have everything I need because I am alive.
If I am not alive 
I have everything I need. 

Be still.
Be still and know.
Be still and know that I am. 
Be still and know that I am God.

There is something that 
if you do not have it, 
nothing else matters.
And, if you do have it, 
nothing else matters.

Your true God touches you in every breath that enters your body every few seconds of every day you breathe. And always kisses you Goodnight so you will remember the wonder of it all.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Civilization is the culprit in the play of life. Since its history is written to justify the killing of other people who were only imagined to be unlike the killers, truth plays no part in history of a civilization. And civilization never plays fair. It is a fact that the very leaders who condemned to death war criminals from WWII, acted in exactly the same manner as the condemned immediately following the victory even using notes the criminals made concerning their crimes as guides to be duplicated and enlarged upon. And, anyone who writes laws for other people to follow would be totally amazed (and embarrassed) to be shown that people who are related to in a loving manner as  unfragmented, dignified adults knowing exactly how to use information to decide for themselves how to live among others harmoniously will always act bravely and wisely and consider another as themselves with another face. I say this because in a former life I was actually a lawmaker who was shown in just this way. I had the opportunity to change for the better and see with new eyes how great a human being is when freed to show it.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Swan Play

The reason for a swan to be concerned for people is simple. We are here. What happened when people first decided to organize into different systems with different languages is very important to all life forms.  From and after that decision must flow conflict. Each individual within the system is at war within himself ( the natural being opposed to the ideal being defined by society) and each system is warring with all the others. And people always in conflict never play fair, never, never, never. But, the odd thing is they remain consistent in expressing their belief that all others should play fair or be punished. It is obvious to anyone living here that such a world is horrible. 

And swans are among the many, many examples of life without conflict. We know it is possible for every living creature. That makes us responsible.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019


Whooper Swan spoke:

Today, I want to suggest to you that people plan only because everybody else is busy planning and plan for no other reason.

That is a mouthful, as my mama said.

People respond rather forcefully when told by anyone, Oh, me? I do not plan my life. They feel threatened by such a person since they are always planning, a favorite skill, which might be their only skill, actually. 

That is another mouthful, Mama.

Think about it.

Say, I dream of a picnic I once attended and decide I want another picnic experience. I plan one. Right?  Imagine with me for a few moments the steps a picnic planner will likely follow. To us, now, such a way is seen to be a wise exercise. Correct? Takes time, though. Also, an investment of energy.  Also, an investment of personality in the nature of hope for a good picnic that brings about a feeling of being a good planner. Correct?

I want to ask a simple question. Why do people not just live letting life itself bring what will delight them, instead? At the beginning people did it that way because infants had no other way.  So, my second question is: Do we know that an infantile way is not up to our image of a proper standard for an adult? It is certain we abandoned that one.  Correct?  Why? Do any of us remember actually choosing to abandon the infantile way?

One of Sigmund Freud’s early pronouncements was that the infantile way must be abandoned.  He thought that the infant unrealistically assumes that whatever he needs will be delivered as if by magic. Mother taught him that by her motherly ways. Then, did she stop delivering gradually over time? Or, did what was needed from her by the infant alter more or less naturally? And Mother knew that? 

Finally, this I ask, Do we know that a divine power is not in place ready in every moment to deliver our adult needs and we are busy planning only because everybody else is busy planning, and since we know it, we believe nobody will come to my picnic unless I am connected to the world-wide planning machine and that would be disastrous?

From where did this fear of not having friends arise? And why are the best picnics referred to as Happenings? And, was Mother an agent of a divinity that does not abandon us?

Here is another mouthful:  I suggest you do not know but that if everyone of your plans should fail, it will not be the finest of all possible blessings. 

Ultimately, I say: you are already as happy as you are ever going to be. That is a mouthful and the best reason to cease the practice of planning for you only plan away joy.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Believers who play the local game of popular vice, which may include regular attendance at churches, synagogues, and temples or regular attendance at a school or a job, are blinded to it by belief and by belief alone. Belief is powerful, too much for us to overcome, except we find the courage inside ourselves to examine into it with a dedicated, piercing eye and a strength so great an answer to our quest has got to be found. The quest?  To find out for ourselves what is going on in the world we have created to serve.

Friday, July 19, 2019

What Nobody Knows

Some person has a problem. At the beginning he may well be excited at the struggle ahead of him and imagine how a victory will feel when he is done. He commits to the struggle. Unexpected help arises from many quarters. “We will win!” they shout. Something is watching all of this unfold from the outset and is aware of every detail as it happens. The person with the problem is unaware of the quiet, still observer but the observer is aware of the person with the problem and is that without which the person would not even exist to accept a challenge at all. The person who has a problem to solve feels a mandate to solve it and thereby bring about a change for the good. But he fails. 

Misery sets in. It feels such a familiar misery. How many times?

Alone, he realizes the mandate was actually to fail to solve a problem, and, by experiencing failure deeply, find that peace that is always with him; a peace without which one must endlessly strive for what cannot be attained for we have it already. The person who had a problem disappears. Nothing of it remains.  Life opens like a flower whose anonymity is its strength. Life is not being lived by a person. Any swan knows this. 

The human being shouts,

“Goodness does not need man. Man needs goodness. It is not to be that man will save the planet. All arises from what man calls blackness and back to it shall return bringing no persons with it.”

What in us that is not a person knows this? Pay attention.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

I say tell them it is not AA  that is the is Life itself!  And it is not any Religious Group either. Nor is it any national symbol writ upon a piece of paper with a seal.

And it's for everybody on equal terms. No one is excluded. And joyful fulfillment is the result of a real life...really lived. AA is a symbolic aid for calling a meeting of folks who want to have a better experience. Think of it like the torch in the hand of lady Liberty welcoming all the world to come. That's all. We can only point to what has always been so. Alcoholics 
tend to be desperate enough to listen is all. 

True Self has the answers for each one of us insofar as we remain in line with divinity's beam.

Saturday, May 11, 2019


You have allowed yourself to become entangled in the blues.  
Pay close attention to the entanglement to hasten an eviction. 
But, do not tarry.  

You have allowed yourself to become entangled in the blues.  
Pay close attention to the entanglement to hasten an eviction. 
But, do not tarry.

For this task you will require a great deal of the deepest sensitivity of the kind only truly wild creatures carry

observing the entanglement of your plans up in blue to the point the pain is more than the boiling point in you, you shall un-der-stand…once again
observing the entanglement of your plans up in blue to the point the pain is more than the boiling point in you, you shall un-der-stand…once again
observing the entanglement of your plans up in blue to the point the pain is more than the boiling point in you, you shall un-der-stand…once again

whether you be or whether you be not… 

and beholding Parallel Heaven’s amazing similitude so grand you cannot withstand caterwauling gratitude 
hasten a sudden eviction…

You be taking nothing with you from the home of the blues, so,
before you go, nail up a notice with fiery fingers of conviction 
to any soul lost tonight in the sorrowful blues fearing eviction 

I be outta here, Blues… 

nail it up so tight it will never be forgot…whether I be or whether I be not?

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Finding my feet in a new world. there is nothing to follow, nothing to keep, nothing to change.

Monday, March 11, 2019

There is a pitcher.  Everyone alive has such a pitcher.  A pitcher that something fills with precious fluid.  I keep pouring mine out on the ground, leaving me holding an empty pitcher in wonder.  The pitcher is refilled for me.  I do not know what the fluid is for.  I want to do something with it.  I pour it on the ground and wonder.  This has been going on for more than forty years.  I am no more aware of the purpose of the precious fluid today than I have ever been.  Still, the pitcher is refilled.  It is not refilled because of any merit on my part, I know.  I continue to pour mine out on the ground and stand holding an empty pitcher wondering what this has all been about.  This is my story.  And still the pitcher is refilled. 

 I have learned this much.  Each time the pitcher is refilled,  I can feel the fullness within it and that feels good, I know.  It is satisfying, I know.  It took a long time for me to understand this much.  I lived many years ignorant of the feeling of satisfied contentment available at such a trivial price and with so little required of me.  Those years were chaotic.  I lived in dread most of the time.  I was trying mightily to achieve some goal or other that might bring me satisfaction and peace.  Nothing I tried brought more than a fleeting feeling of excited pleasure that seemed always to dissolve even before the goal was reached into another faraway goal to be reached.  All the while,  this feeling of satisfaction was lying inside as a refilled pitcher of precious fluid, refilled for me time after time by some unknown source that must have been taking an interest in me even though I was pouring the precious fluid out on the ground.  

In truth, I have explored possible ways to use the precious fluid and none have seemed to be anything other than simply pouring it out on the ground and standing rather foolishly, embarrassed, in apologetic wonder.  I have heard of people who are able to do something worthy with their pitcher of precious fluid.  They use it to grow some lasting fruit trees that continue to produce good fruit.  I must admit I  do not have evidence of it.  Only stories. Whenever I have attempted to locate one of these people they elude me.  Like smoke they elude me.  So, I am left here holding a pitcher of precious fluid that has been refilled by grace without my deserving a drop of it and , not knowing what else to do,  am  pouring mine onto the ground to stand again in wonder.  How are you doing?

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Once man saw himself dead he was afraid. Maybe what spurred him to create language was the urge to converse with others about his fear of losing his life and plan ways to resist death. It has had no real effect, has it? Perhaps it has even increased the fear which is so often expressed by killing someone. Strange. They say those who most fear death are enjoying life least. Weird.

I am aware that we are being spoken to by the whole world constantly. Are you?

Of course, are you listening?

The stars, the wind playing tunes on so many flutes, the calls in the dark night, the paintings in every sky are but a few of the whole world’s many songs. What are we being told? Why did we let fear take our attention? Can we get it back? What is anonymity, really? How precious is it?

Are you aware there are humans alive who are really happy who have no fear of death? They tell of a happiness, or joy, that removes any worry about it. And, they never kill anybody. Never hire anybody else to kill for them. What is anonymity, really? How precious is it?

I sometimes see children in reading circles at school being taught the effective way to learn and digest all that fear. The fear of lack is the fear of death. 

We have two minds, all of us.  One is still.  The other is very busy thinking.  The one that thinks is not the anonymous one. The one who fears is a person who thinks he has something to lose. Now we are near to it.  It is clear that there can never be wholeness as an experience when two minds are working. Join those who have only a still mind. Listen for your invitation. 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

A New Day

It is a new day. The old way will not serve us now, never did, as anyone of us can tell.
Yet there are a million voices coming from that  dead, defunct, most hopeless time.  Mechanical voices calling to everybody else “follow us” as if they are certain we are certain 
we must follow some body.

That’s the same bus full of nuts that brought us to want to close the shop and give it all up.
It’s these identical parrots from the museums and crusty old school houses groomed in the old way to stand apart as leaders who want to ask us to give another chance to what has never worked, I tell ya. It’s a gaggle of authors, musicians, actors, film makers, therapists, entrepreneurs, politicians, scientists, all of them afraid not to be bosses. They must think us inept.

To top it off, these gangsters turn profits that satisfy paltry, selfish motives by capturing on legal documents the ownership of all the art made and being made by lonely, devoted individuals who go venturing into the deepest recesses of life to keep promises each remember were made to life’s giver at the moment of first breath. Do you recall you made such a promise? If you do, this is a new day for you.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so free one's very existence is an act of rebellion.    Albert Camus