THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

What Is A Society, Really?

What is a society, really, in simple understandable terms?

It has many aspects but the moment any one of them is all of them can be understood. Let's look at one. Consider a professional football team. It is actually a corporation, not a team at all. The team is owned and controlled. The main purpose of the corporation is to make money from its ownership of the rights to field a team in competition against other teams who operate under the rules made by an association of all the owner-corporations in a sports league. Each corporation owning such rights owns a team of athletes, a stadium, the exclusive rights to the team's logo so as to merchandise all types of products for sale to fans of the team, most of which remain throughout their lives completely ignorant of any of these arrangements and prefer that condition to reality so they can actually fall into a thinking pattern which attaches to a created group think, psychologically designed, to hypnotize them and their friends and loved ones into a trance that has them feeling strong loyalties to a completely imaginary system. No corporation of record, and they have no existence otherwise (unlike you and me), none of them bleed, feel pain or give a damn about us. 

Johnny Cash sang a song dealing with drug addiction the horrors of which he had experienced personally and from which he was able to find freedom. A simple opening line of the song is: “I hurt myself today”. What is described above in discussion of one aspect of an organized society which of itself is only a minor part of a huge web wrought out of nothing, a figment, called a nation is equally addictive and more disgraceful by far. The number of casualties and atrocities during all the wars waged over the centuries is incalculably enormous. In fact, wars are fought by young boys who are drugged to enable them to kill like maniacs and endure its horror.

What have we become?

The goal or driving force behind the sports team is to win the Super Bowl and become a dynasty. The goal of a society is to become an Empire. Most of its citizens will remain fans. However many fans will become bored and drop out of the scene to be labeled as losers by owners and fans. Only a small proportion of its citizens will own one or more of its teams. They run the show. Do we honestly believe that without a society organized in such a way, you and I would be too inept or stupid to share the Earth in a happy, fulfilling way? One thing we do know by now, though, is the way we are going about it has totally failed billions of us. The key thing to understand is simple: the creation of an organized society automatically and with absolute certainty creates a drive to build an empire. This means all but a relative few will be dragged headlong into an abyss reeking havoc along the way.

Now for some good news. The Maker created the Universe to be friendly to all who will receive its warmth as a gift. Arrogance is the true enemy of people. Humility opens a door you do not know exists if you but give it a chance. There is another way to live that is fulfilling. Trust in the giant who you are to show you day by day. It is as sure as the tides and the Sun and the Moon and gravity and breath there is a society afoot that was not organized by the mind of man. It does not print money and does not build jails and never argues.

We humans are here to care for each other in the face of cold, heartless societies. We alone have hearts.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

And Another Thing, Too,

In a silly press conference in the sixties, Bob Dylan, when asked to define Folk Music replied, “a constitutional replay of mass production”. I refer to this moment as an entry into a very important fact of modern life concerning humanity all over Earth. Mister Dylan was playing and he was making a serious point that if made directly then would have been ignored. It sticks out to this day as an unanswered dilemma, and a growing cancer.

What have we become?

We will hurt ourselves again today. We sponsor our injections in pain-numbing doses and blame “them”.

It is not to say that there are no true art expressions. It is that there are so many fakes so readily made available they drown the real thing. The rela thing requires a serious, diligent, unstoppable search, and it always will. Art used by a system of mass production to further its interests is bound to be a “replay of mass production”. The question on all the minds of all the artists used this way is “what sells?”.

Book publishers, theatre production companies, film production companies, from the largest right on down to the single artist acting alone on his laptop attempting with the best of intentions to make dough from his art are asking it.

As an example, a sizable commitment in time and money and professional collaborators was made just prior to the almost certain entry of the United States into World War II in the form of a film entitled How Green Was My Valley. That award winning film, emotionally stirring, brings tears to all our eyes to this day. The performances were of the highest quality. It is called a masterpiece. It portrays real hardships in a low-income mining village of proud hard working miners and their families. Wages were being cut for these men solely because the owners could hire unemployed workers from nearby towns at lower even starvation wages. The patriarch of one of the families who has spent his whole life in the local mine dies as the result a cave-in at the end of the film. The whole story has been told as seen through the eyes of an innocent child of that unfortunate man. All who watch suffer his grief. But, the film ends in hope. It is the replay ending of all such works. We hurt ourselves with the pain of the miserable state of
our true situation as much as we think watchers will tolerate and then entertain the hope that we can keep up the same way of life that has led us time and again to horror and one day all will be as it should be.

I have known, sadly, a lot of alcoholics who have followed this tired, old saw right into the jaws of death. One more. But for grace, one of them would have been me. We have met the Illuminati and it are us.

Illuminati” is a word for an unknown who is, or one day may be, the real ruler of the world. It is us, our greed, our fear, our anger, our intolerance, our ignorance. Each is brought to the point of realization in his own life, and it happens this way, I am the one I hate. What have I become? Maybe the Dark is from my eyes? The evil I see in another is in me.

In this manner is the solution a most personal thing. I must end the process for myself, begun in childhood, of following another's formula for my life. It turns out The Jedi Knight” or the One I have been wishing for and praying to, is me, and has been all along. I know I truly joined the entire human race when I ceased looking outside for my answers. We are in the same boat.

Monday, February 19, 2018

And another thing

Go to a lecture at ivy-covered Harvard University (there you will see a living pyramid of ass-kissing action). You'll not hear anything so wise and powerful as time spent alone with a tree. Einstein received Theory of Relativity from a beam of light he watched bouncing around free. And, he was a misfit, an outsider, a daydreamer who wrote to his family, saying, it would have been better had I never been born. Said he wanted to understand how God thinks. Do you and I want that? What better way than to listen to God's own symphony? Indeed, what other way is there? A pyramid? That accursed management tool?

That was a fool's attempt to outwit death. Many workers struggled in service to that monstrosity and not one Pharaoh has come back to collect his treasure (still in the pyramid, stolen, or in a museum) or to give out advice about cheating death. What is known popularly as science operates in a cloudy, murky closet directed from the top down in the image of a pyramid. Same is true of politics and religion and education and business and all facets of the art and speech worlds. All of these are dollar driven. The same figure is displayed on the dollar bill and that's as unstable as a three-legged table. Man, talk about failing to learn from experience!

Life thinks. Anything that comes between man and the way life thinks retards brilliance. Because of the long endured tyranny of pyramid regimentation, which is the opposite of how life thinks, it has always had to come from the fugitive, the misfit, the daydreamer who reaches somehow beyond the weight of suffering loneliness to call attention to truth. Now, more than ever before, do we lack the genius of brilliance. Never did it have to be rare. It need be rare no longer.

If we only will listen, Yours, Oh Sweet Giver of Brilliance, is our deliverance!

Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Way I Am

It is established in understanding now that water by its nature flows along the path of least resistance on its way to join the oceans. How convenient. Is there a similar dynamic available to an ordinary human being like me which will help me find an ocean of peace in my life? It happens there is such a friendly dynamic awaiting my discovery. It works like this: when I follow the path of least resistance I find a friendly power that leads me gradually to take on the attributes of an ocean of peace that I am a part of by my nature. Conveniently, I absorb the exact type of qualities in the correct amount I am going to need as I flow along my way. I am fortunate after all.

Thursday, February 15, 2018

I'd Rather Sit this One Out

We are all fools who attempt to tell the meaning of things absent the slightest understanding of what it is we mean nor what could even be meant by someone or something. Very superficial are we.

I just did that. I cannot help doing it, it seems.

As humans is it our only pastime? Or is it just the source of everything we think, say, write and do?

We see tracks of a bear in the woods. We think, this means a bear has been here no longer ago than it has been since the last rain. We start to reason.

Someone asks my religion. I could name a few, but really, it is Texas Tech sports, with an emphasis on football.

I send everything through that filter first. We are a tough team who take on opponents manned by superior athletes who are much better funded, equipped, supported, recruited, and publicized. And we hope to overcome all that with a lot of stubborn grit. It began I believe in the minds of early pioneers to the High Plains of West Texas who settled in with not enough water, frequent winds, tornados, and dust who more or less willed a college from the treasury of the Texas Legislature to be built where none was more unlikely. Today there is a law school and a medical school on that campus.

Now we know my religion we can wonder whether it could be possible to escape it. The question is: can one live knowing a language without following it? Might we see the same animal tracks referred to above and without a name know instantly what is shown? Might it be we would actually know much more from sighting the tracks that way than by the reasoning process? Can one live a satisfying life with no attempt to derive meaning from it? Whatever that means? I am reminded the answer is, no.

Suppose one could see that meaning has no meaning? Even for a second see it? It was education that trained me to think that intelligence is meaning derived from a process, reasoning. That is not what great artists tell us, nor scientific geniuses nor is it what anyone else who is seen as superior has experienced on the way to greatness. All seem to tell it that reasoning has to be transcended to enter a zone where they do their thing. And my own somewhat limited experience bears that out. I never learned anything well by thinking it through. Trained to do it, I begin there each time, like a religious person will begin at the earliest teachings of his or her religion. Filters. Like Tech football. Such filters are not beneficial but actually blind us. To get to excellence in a field of endeavor one has to transcend limits of reason. Some have described it as looking with one's entire being. Reason has been a big handicap for mankind. And, it has caused much unnecessary suffering to all living things on Earth. Reason is equally grounded in good and bad, success and failure, good and evil, etc. So, it is just as likely to shit on you as to pull you out of shit. But there is a field out beyond right doing and wrong doing. We meet there in songs of rejoicing. There greatness bends rules. Ignores them. Plays with them. Fulfills them. If I cannot dance with you in that field, I'd rather sit this one out.

Ahhh. There you have it! It is in learning we can sit this one out we find freedom from language. Language should serve us, not the other way around. It feels like, live and let live.

Friday, February 9, 2018


One Sun,
not two,
not a male and a female Sun, one Sun,
and the Earth, and all life on it, were raised up by the One Sun
and brought out of the Earth like fruit comes forth from a tree
and all energy is that of
Our Father, the Sun.

What is back of the Sun?
The bang?

What was before the bang?

How old is the oldest religion of Earth? It all tastes to me like self-serving nonsense. All I need to know is-

One Sun,
not two,
not a male and a female Sun, one Sun,
and the Earth, and all life on it, were raised up by the One Sun
and brought out of the Earth like fruit comes forth from a tree
and all energy is that of
Our Father, the Sun.

What is back of the Sun?
The bang?

What was before the bang?



A Void?

Believe I'll research the list of apparent ineffables before attempting any further efforts to behave as a human being. Where to begin? Where is there available for examination by one such as I nothing other than a void silence? Ummm.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018


Of late, have I spent months in almost constant wind. Strong wind, most of it, without noticing until just this moment that the wind itself is silent. It is the effect of it on things, such as trees, that make the sounds I associate with wind. Now, I hear a kind of music being made by relationship of many tall trees and wind, roof and wind, siding and wind, grasses and wind. There is more to it than I thought. Also, there is a story.
Something silent is back of it. A feeling is back of that. I am alert now.
I can easily develop ideas, they pop up, around which the wind is causing me unnecessary irritation, upsetting me, threatening me, and that should not be the case. What are my thoughts they should want me to take it personally? For me, Wind should stop? Hmmm. For months, I have been asking myself, How long must I endure this constant pounding in my brain? But instead, just now, I prefer to take another route. I am in relationship to what is happening between silent, invisible force, an energy, and all things in the vicinity of where I stand. Not separate. Not isolated from it.
I am dominated suddenly with a feeling. The feeling that I am out of my element in judging the wind, the silent energy that is moving all around me. I want to escape somehow from arrogance to still myself, not the wind. Pay attention! Pay attention, full attention to a symphony that is playing wildly to see it for what it is, not abstractly, in ideas, but actually. I am here. I am actual, not an abstract idea, or a bundle of them, as I was until a few moments ago, I am present within the play of life, not my life, life!
I looked up as tress were being tossed back and forth, helpless instruments yielding to the strain, asked to endure relentless poundings from a player who has something important to say! And it is as if I am one of those trees! I resound! My heart leaps out of my body! I have no fear of the wind, no urge to run away from it, am not apart from it, and all of a wild happening thrills to be included. I dig it!
I don't even want to say what it is I learned, only that I did. If we made this journey together there was no leader and no follower on a happy inquiry together. 

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

God is innate.
Love is innate.
Peace is innate.
Freedom is innate.
Happiness is innate.
Fulfillment is innate.
Contentment is innate.

God is innate.
Love is innate.
Peace is innate.
Freedom is innate.
Happiness is innate.
Fulfillment is innate.
Contentment is innate.

There has been living an ordinary human just like you who thinks precisely the same when he is constructing a poem as when he is talking to any human or group of humans formally or informally in any environment under any circumstance.  

Sunday, February 4, 2018

-Let Them Fill The Air-

Bob Dylan was interviewed in the 60's. The journalists asked repeatedly, “What thoughts do you have on why you are so famous?” They kept on asking even though Bob kept on repeating, “I don't know.” That did not stop the question.

It's enough to make you sick. But, there is a revelation worthy of attention. In the culture mass produced here what is of interest is not how do you create such profound art. It is how does one become very popular. The presumption behind the question asked of Mister Dylan is that what people here want is to be famous. Not to do something worthwhile. If so, it is sad. If not so, it is darn irresponsible to foster the notion that we are that way.

I am led to consider that the field of journalism has always really been a science of how to spread the disease of wanting fame. All news is how to get famous. It shows one can do so by doing something grand or by doing something terrible or by doing something weird. It proves that fame is false. Only bored, dull minds want to be false. I have a feeling Da Vinci and Dylan wanted to be left alone, quite confident, satisfied they have been being busy being born.

It is apparent to most readers that news is predominantly bad news or weird news. Man bites dog. In fact, a report that someone did a grand thing is really a report of the obvious. A grand thing is going to be obvious to its recipients. No report is going to add to its grandeur. By golly, we flat do not trust ourselves to be alert. What is called news is gossip for dull, bored minds. I have gone many months without any to find that within a day I can catch up.

Better it would be to have more of us being busy being born. Let the music be there. Let them fill the air.

Friday, February 2, 2018

Planet News!

I have no energy to waste.

I know some of you blame the current administration for its failures to correct mistakes of the past and for its threats to make things even worse. You want a return to the policies of past authorities you believe more reliable. Others support the views set forth by current leadership. Some others hope for new policies yet untried to be brought forth. Whatever it is for you, all of you are dependent upon authorities to lead you.

This statement was as fresh a thousand years ago as it is today. And it will be as fresh for eons into what future here remains for human life as we know it.

But, I have no time to waste.

I have nothing to say to those who prefer to argue and place blame. It was the decision each one of us made that began the slide into oblivion and it is up to each individual on the Planet to make the necessary adjustment that will bring us back home. Those who do will have the knowledge they did what they saw was to be done and so made an effort to save themselves and to save as many others as will be saved by a simple, profound gesture, one made in silence, alone, which shows life in a brand new light.

The decision we made in the past which brought the misery we wish to avoid gave life to a concept that had none. We breathed into a dead word and it became so for us. The dead thing is the concept of an authority to show me the way I am to live. We accepted an invitation to allow another person to intercede between who I am, as an individual, and my experience of life directly. The world we inhabit as a result has become callous, cruel, heartless. Now, we are ruled over by so many ghouls we cannot count them. Being lifeless things how do you expect of them anything real for the living?

I have something to communicate to those ones who are ready to hear that there is an open road between dawn and the close of It is open now. And if you go no one may follow. That path is for your steps alone.

Let me point out why that is so. Any attempt by one of us to lead even one other person on this path will instantly create a new authority of the same nature as those, and there are way too many, already present which will attach in a blink to

all of them and the result will be to actually fortify and make stronger the system of dead concepts to be smashed leaving us stranded, doing our best to deny it.

The dead things that have to be smashed are in you, not outside you. Get that straight or you will not even see the path to be taken. You caused the mess. Each of you, and I, have caused it. Each has a duty to be true. It is in us to carry this out. Realize your full nobility. Trust it. When you do, all else will pour forth from an unsuspected inner resource, a living fountain born within you.

Some, seeing today as the only day, will recognize the path is open to them now and will seize its opportunity to understand ourselves for the first time and nothing will stand in our way.

Inner poverty of soul is a blessing. Impoverished of all spiritual concepts one is simple. Such poverty is a beautiful thing. It contains unlimited energy. Humans, we have been well made! All of us. It is our nature to work together joyfully.

We have no time to waste.