THE STORY OF JOHNNY WHOOPER SWAN We go to school trusting our parents. We meet a teacher there who stands up front with a big desk, and a pointer. She or he trains us in an authoritative manner. We attach mentally to a life long need for authority in order to live lives successfully. Right so far? In my case, at the age of 25 I was ready to enter the practice of law where I hoped for success and a happy life finally. Very shortly, very shortly, I became anxious. There was a foreboding. I was made more uncomfortable with each experience. Law work is nothing like what I was told it would be. The system is corrupt. But I still cling to my expectation that career success is necessary to my happiness as a man. Each day my grasp of what the fuck success amounts to after all becomes more clouded, murkier. I hear songs on the airwaves and at concerts which describe my life as the life of a fool. What am I becoming? I want to rip off my business suit to run naked in the street with my hair on fire! But I am too afraid. In strange, weird (weird comes from a word meaning wise), fragmented steps I go about a journey of my own believing myself to be the first man to have failed in such a total way which journey works so as to break up my career, end a marriage, and start an entirely new way of relating with my two children whom I love deeply. Almost magically I meet a woman who is a career counselor who asserts a beautiful message that I am made to be joyful in my work everyday and at all levels. This understanding sets me on a completely new course. It is no longer a world of systems to me but an undivided one of unlimited beauty. It reminds me of a painting. A true masterpiece. I am drawn from within to learn the truth about my identity and nobody else can teach me that. From this point onward I will use thinking capacity for mastering mechanical processes and follow my heart, which includes my whole nature, which includes your whole nature and that of every human being for all the rest. I’ll go by the name Johnny Whooper Swan who does not explain itself to anyone. By my fruits shall I be known. Watch me soar!

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Post that grows on a vine

What if you knew you would not be alive today except that someone you cannot remember holds you in their heart who will not let you go. That you owe.  A vital debt you can never repay? One thing that is true of a whooper swan-and this is wonderful to know- is that we do not look for anyone who is not interested. We seek only those who are, and yet, that can change and always it does.

Added next morning: One lacks the proper emphasis.  The difference between a focus upon the source of the daily bread and relishing the bread itself is vast. Certainly, the difference is major between the source of it and the store which sells the bread to me.  Likewise, the source of it and the career at which one labors to get the money to buy the bread from the store that sells it to me are galaxies apart, speaking in terms of physics, that is. But, they are even more distant in terms of the heart which nobody can locate because it has no locus in physical terms. It exists all right; but in its refusal to stay put lie its sparkling wonders...its usefulness to hearts on fire.

Added next morning: Although some would say that when building a civilization it will be observed that remnants of the wild, unregulated situation being eradicated will expose the worst of natural man's indecencies which must be met with stiff rules and sharp punishments in order to progress the herd along the road to a utopian decency, even requiring death sentences to be carried out before the eyes of loved ones...all to be viewed publicly by means of electronic devices in living rooms and bedrooms and bars, and everywhere else civilized people are to be found,

I see it otherwise,

in truth the impressment of the pattern of a society made by the hands of man against the body corporate brings a tremendously painful distress to the hearts of those individuals not yet deadened by the anesthesia of its schools which are designed to prepare them to become as lobotomized citizens obedient to mental imprisonment in a most narrow world to which natural man is unaccustomed and in which unfit to live. The two views oppose one another diabolically. The focuses are in entirely different directions. When the same person who is hired to tend a garden sneaks into it under cover of darkness to damage it so as to keep his job, how can the garden be expected to grow?

The horrors of election campaigns alone contribute to the troubles politicians feed upon, like vultures to carrion-it's enough to make you puke. And, all the candidates are mere pawns in the game of how a few are to make losers of the millions. Ordinary citizens of a society, captured pawns off the board and out of play, are not a real concern. Blind office-seeking pawns argue with one another the obvious failings of their profession and the voting but nonparticipating pawns are asked to select one of them to drive the runaway train, which, lost and long off its assigned track, barreling toward oblivion, must forever fail to correct itself.

In Nature, groups act as one without hesitation and thrive. The emphasis is the proper one. It sets the course all parts follow. We, the people of the world, are like that and have been called by wise men The Salt of the Earth. How much further of course can anything be?

The good news: the answer is present, is within us, and is with us and is us. A perfect collaboration of man and the Divine is nearer than near. It is not to be is present. Let go. Listen to the heart.

Added two days later: In my own life it was when I came to the crossroads that it happened.  Someone asked when I took the road less traveled, "What will you do now?" I replied in joy " I really have no clue what will come as I walk this way for it is a new way I have not tried and all I know is "I will not go back to what I just left behind me no matter what!"

Experience has shown me that no existing system can be changed from within that system.  It is not possible for someone inside to change it since that one is always performing as a part of the existing system. When in the course of human events it becomes intolerable for a human being to go on in the same way it means the existing system has become an intolerable system so one must throw off its unnatural chains in favor of freedom.

Added next morning: Bob Dylan, a pretty good poet, once told that "just because you are supporting somebody who is struggling for something doesn't mean you're being political". To see that saves a whole lot of frustration, agony, and failure which can lead to bitterness. Never expect anything from anybody or any group that tells you they exist so you can expect something from them. If you get help in life you bring it out of the other(s) with a light from your eyes. For example, when your Mama fixes you a lunch to take with you to school. Realize this.

Added next morning:  In any system of authority, no matter its nature, there will never be found fairness.  Think about this. So, you are told that perfect fairness is impossible, we do the best we can, but we must have bosses. And yet, I tell you that it happens to be so that perfect fairness does exist, is closer than the veins in your neck are close to you and me, and belongs to us by a merciful gift from the giver of life. All we need do is align ourselves with the source of breath then allow love and mercy to flow through us like water flowing to the Sea. Could we be farther off course as a species? Let us correct that error by placing the emphasis properly where it belongs to free ourselves from tragedy unnecessary.

Added Tuesday November 1: What if you believed there is but one life long commitment you need to make...only order to solve all your problems...all of them at once?  And what if that commitment amounts to a full allegiance to your true Self? I tell that it is so. But you should not believe me.  Find out for yourself.  Why? You can.

Added Thursday, November 3: The present of the present is the presence. To know of a presence that is unnamed and fresh and new and unblemished who is its own authority moment to moment should not be missed. Why?  Because you can.

Added Friday morning, November 4:  Why are the people indigenous to America imprisoned on reservations to this day? And why do the rest of us take more and more of it back every time we have a reason?  Because we can...because we write and we rewrite the laws that define and enforce the treaties we forced them to sign on threat of annihilation? meaning we can change the treaties anytime in any way that suits our greedy appetites? Can we not do better by them...and ourselves? Will we ever change?

Added Monday November 7: Humans are not limited to the ground or below it. We can arise and we should be about it. It's taken so long to do nothing but talk about it. Time to rise up!

At the bottom there is politics. Politics demands leadership. Followers and leaders of followers is at the lowest rung of the human ladder. Nobody with any sand will lead somebody who will agree to follow. Step up. There are no followers at the first rung. Step up. That first step everybody takes for himself. After that, leaders will be forgotten forever. A human free soul is invited to Heaven now. Step up.

Humans are not limited to the ground or below it. We can arise and we should be about it. It's taken so long to do nothing but talk about it. Time to rise up!

Up to now, people who only talk have been willing to pass laws demanding compliance on the broken theory that people will be so afraid to be punished they will be good. All talk. Nothing changes. We still fall so short of our dreams we disgrace the whole tree of life. Even rocks are disgusted. Monkeys laugh at our politics. And our philosophers? Baboons fart in the faces of them all. Philosophers write only to each other. Nothing changes.

Humans are not limited to the ground or below it. We can arise and we should be about it. It's taken so long to do nothing but talk about it. Time to rise up!

Don't be fooled by celebrity for it is manufactured by the money grinch who crawls in the real dark world underground and do not seek the autograph of anyone, it lessens you to do that. Nobody worth his autograph will stoop to give it nor sign his name for anyone who thinks he is better off with it.

Humans are not limited to the ground or below it. We can arise and we should be about it. It's taken so long to do nothing but talk about it. Time to rise up!

Added Tuesday, November 8:  Swimming in the Ocean of All Knowledge and not knowing is enough to make you laugh.

Added a few minutes later:

When you touch


it is beyond you.

What does that mean? Ask nobody.

There is within a human being's heart A Great Reality. It shines a bright light to the world. The Light attracts all that has been prepared for the human sojourn on Earth, about 25,000 days worth of supplies, more or less. Your stay here has been impeccably arranged and you lost the key. Funny, the key you lost, nothing has it.

Added Sunday, November 13:  Leonard Cohen wrote that a saint "rides the drifts like an escaped ski".

Added Thursday November 17: "The subject tonight is love, and for tomorrow night as well.
As a matter of fact, I know of no better topic for us to discuss until we all die!"


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Getting Started

There is a chief problem that were it to be addressed and solved the rest would fall by the wayside in complete adoption of overwhelming truth. That shortcoming among us is the failure to show loyalty to the essence of who we are. Rather, we betray it many times a day. I want to be strong enough to withstand the allure of a temptation that would have me sell my soul for an offer of money. But I cannot.

What am I afraid of? I wonder. Do you know? What is it about me that wants something I do not believe I have that money can buy? What doors are opened by it? Think. What has been my actual experience? What have others told me from their experience? I recall now that every job I have ever taken has become a disappointment very soon and a thing I want to avoid but cannot. I need a pill to go to work.

I have been told of something I have that cannot be taken from me. What is it? Is there such? It is placed I am told where no thief can enter and no fire can reach and no storm can bother and no exploding bomb destroy and it is absolutely safe there. Where? Is there such a place? Think.

Were I to find this place and discover there a something that I have what might that be? I am told its nature is such that when I know I have it I will be true to my heart as if it were the most natural thing to do and never betray my own essential nature and be in love. Be in love. What if it is love? What if the place is a state, not a space? How do I find a state...of...wholeness where it all makes sense to me?

Look within? How? With my attention? How much? All of it? When? Now? How often? Daily? Always? Pray without ceasing? Are you kidding me? No?

I better get started.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Athlete: Standing up here selling these products I feel such a phony.
Manager: If you want to finance baseball so you can play in the Bigs,
we have to make enough money to finance baseball.

Seven points:

1. Is it anything but foolish to choose what you do by how much money it can make?

2. How difficult is it to decline to be used in a fraudulent manner?

3. How difficult is it to play games for the pure joy of playing them whenever and wherever that is possible with no concern for the limelight?

4. What's the limelight good for?

5. Anything?

6. How many have been made sick by fame?

7. Someone figured us out.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

An Individual's Very Own 

Declaration of Independence

We hold this truth to be self evident:

When laws and the crimes they define become irrelevant jails empty out on their own accord and peace prevails in the land. And, in the abyss that lies between the past and the future in that darkness so greatly feared by people who formulate hidden agendas

lives freedom for all

where each one becomes his own authority
              takes naked responsibility for his own truth
risks the moment, and shoos his own flies
calls his own dog, keeps his own counsel,
accepts his own fate, blows his own whistle
draws his own conclusions, fights his own battles,
sweeps his own side of the street, makes up his own mind

faces his own challenges, finds his own strength,
stands on his own feet, answers his own question,
has nobody to blame,
and lives before he dies.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hanging In The Balance

Beginning in the 1960's, a photographer named Sebastiao Salgado, of Brazil, made drawings with light by camera and they called it photography. Picturing the suffering of humanity on Earth he documented horror. Reflections in black and white on paper to show all that what people have done to themselves and to the others is deeply embedded in the ongoing psyche of every man and woman who will live here and it will be so until purged. In the quest for riches that power an empire, be it an empire of one man or millions, there is no limit to the level of disgrace to which man has willing stooped. An empire comes and it goes and another replaces it. People are enslaved, tortured, starved, annihilated. By other people. Just before dying of deep soul sickness brought on by what he had witnessed, Sebastiao discovered a truth and it changed everything for him to allow him to live on as a recovered soul. A recovered soul. The impossible story of the resurrection of a man's soul is of vital importance to many who now are ready to hear. And more who will become ready shortly.

How can it be? Sebastiao returned to his birth home. To a once thriving cattle farm carved from a splendid forest that in his absence had been transformed into a desert that would no longer support a family. His aging parents were stymied. They had no idea how to make a comeback. Sebastiao's wife suggested, Why not replant the forest? And they began, having no alternative in sight. They had no one to teach them how such a thing is to be done and no book of directions. In ten years the forest had been resurrected. Today it is a paradise to behold. The Salgado family has relinquished all claim to its ownership by returning the forest to the people of Brazil. A park.

This Sebastiao found to be true: As constant as the determination of people to destroy the planet and their own souls in the process is the determination to restore it and recover their souls in that process. This balance, unplanned by man, works by a force that has been present before first man which has been known on occasion to pass through a man as its conduit to make it so. But, only after sickness of the soul has nearly destroyed him and an admission of the sorry state wherein he finds himself some are reborn. Those living on following rebirth begin a march to fully recover lost soul.

Once, long ago, to America sick people came in ships in search of India's riches to steal them after killing Indians. Upon discovering they were not in India as planned they decided to try their luck in the New World they had found. If it contained gold and silver they would have it all after killing and raping Indians as planned. The disease spread across Europe and many countries sent ships to the New World of Indians not living in India as expected. To rape, murder, and plunder. They soon brought ships filled with Europe's undesirables as settlers to oversee the fiendish operation and share in the spoils. In record time, the Americas, (North, Central, and South) were owned by the Europeans, at first those living back in Europe who sent the ships, later by those well armed Europeans and some of the mixed bloods trained and armed by them, now living on American soil. The not-Indian Indians had no chance really. They suffered before photography developed to record it. But they suffered mightily at the hands of the greedy white invaders. The whites never have admitted the harm caused by their greedy ways nor have they even attempted to make things right, for they continue to imbibe every liquor of nastier and nastier greed to this day. And have been able to corrupt souls everywhere by now locking them in a web of ambitious and clever salesmanship in a shell game by another name.

So, it is going to happen that some who will become desperately ill with soul sickness, will, just before they are killed by the weight of it, be reborn psychically to begin the march to fully recover lost balance of psyche for the individual who wants it which will require dedicated service to the replanting and nurturing of a garden that had been in existence previously all without coercion nor an instruction manual to guide them to do it faithfully, silently, humbly, without praise, through intuitive knowledge revealed simultaneously to a band of equals who will have arisen from every conceivable circumstance to work together as brothers and sisters in love with patient attention to detail. Once bitter enemies will be recognized among them and all will be forgiven. The garden spoken of is, of course, the 

 Reality of Man.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Very Short Story of Love

Once a girl lived in the land of Somewhere.

She did not find her prince though she searched for him. She did find a prince uncharming though. So uncharming was he that she gave none of herself away to him but kept herself for herself wholly and lived happily for the rest of her days. They each got laid by the other from time to time and it always was nice for them and between them. And it really did not matter. What did matter however is that she was a whole person. As one, she was in a position to give an immense unsuspected treasure of her heart away to many others though not very much to that uncharming prince who was too uptight to relax and enjoy a gift. She did have children who were loved and knew it. Nobody asked anybody who was going to support those kids what with all that love there was indeed much to spare and then give away freely. The girl learned as she became a woman that it is love and only love that supports everybody who ever is born. Any other possibility is absurd, she thought. She had seen that people who do not know how to love (and there are so many) starve children in one way or another way.

The children she bore grew up to be whole people as well. Seems that girl broke a chain that had led a long line of human beings going back thousands of years to live a hard life toiling to earn a living by the sweat of their brow doing work they disliked and knew in their hearts to be unholy while failing to do the work they were designed for by perfection itself...miraculous works of unconditional love. What a girl!

The girl remains and will so forever, anonymous, for a very good reason. The game of fame is not for her a way to a life fulfilling.


Tuesday, October 11, 2016


And To Laugh Out Loud
By Johnny Smith

A small honey bee, when it senses smoke, flies immediately to the comb and begins to feed ravenously to prepare for the impending wildfire and the necessity to move the entire colony of 70,000 to a new home, a tremendous task.

Made in that same loving way, man invented languages and with it invented Man Itself and became so impressed with their abilities they were no longer willing that their language serve God’s pure and simple way, but insisted on taking a way of their own...And it began with a fence. And they said it is good. And the road taken has led us to suffering and self-destruction. And so,
Man named the one to whom they gave all the credit for their language... Mind. And, each man became their own mind. And Man called it The Mind of Man. And said, It is good. Mind created a god of their own understanding in their own image to serve them. And they said it is good. Mind writes books now and fills libraries as proof the Mind Of Man exists even though the evidence impresses nothing except the Mind of Man. This nonsense is Man’s way of claiming immortality. It is but a futile, ignorant effort doomed to failure. All the libraries of man do not compare to a single moment of the reality of life.

Likewise, all the skyscrapers, all the bombs, all the technologies are but nothing.
Man denies that which has been known by them for thousands of years, at least, that one day even mighty Sun will go out. Poof! They do not know what to do with that fact so as they do with all else that baffles them, they ignore it.

In this brief volume the term Man is a plural noun. 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Have You Seen Such Windows?

Billy: I read. Love to read. Good books. Books that say something. Not the kind that are rank vomit to corral a reader in ideals, ideals, ideals all incompetent all indifferent, uninvolved, lukewarm and blasé. All the words, all the hooks, all the tangled webs woven to only mimic ideals nonexistent.

That way of learning entraps the student before seven in a world with shutters that do not open to invite a child to climb free from its clutches and avoid accepting the wicked invitation to live by other peoples' concepts of what makes a good joke so he'll know when to laugh. A boy I know taught me that. He did not laugh at my jokes until I quit expecting him to.

Have you seen such shuttered windows? Look as if they should open, don't they? but do not. Even promise to open but do not? Even are advertised as easy open windows but are locked tightly shut?

First an alphabet. Then a series of properly enunciated sounds to form words that are certified as proper and legal to be used to make sentences that form complete thoughts which decay and rot quicker than they are conceived and before even put on paper to be bound and published as books of the same self determining logic with which the windows are permanently locked against all but a tiny glint of creative genius. Religion out here teaches in such a way. The primary lock is the one that adds up to a sentence that authorizes some expert to determine who is smartest in the land by testing the child's ability to lock himself up so air tight no wind is able to reach into the lungs of freedom that hold contempt and disrespect for authority and sing out in protest in an unknown tongue against languages organized into patterns which like cell bars separate loved ones and stultify passions and make listeners and readers feel rejection at a primary level of life except they be deciphered by that tiny glint of genius, and, stripped of all falseness, be used to open windows where none existed.

We need windows to reveal to the eye of the beholder no truth originates in the mind of an insider. A society is a group of insiders who by their way of thinking make everybody else outsiders to them. All within a culture are untrue. All cults breed contempt. There is a window.

Have you seen such windows?

To live in a house without windows is to make all the world outside dark. The brighter the light inside the house the darker the outside is to the minds of those trapped within. There is a window.

Have you seen such windows?

Recently I overheard in a conversation a woman wonder why a kid like me would crawl up a chimney when the sheriff looked the other way to escape from a jail where the sheriff wanted me to remain until told I could leave. She was concerned that I have bad qualities and wanted to find a way to explain boys like me. I could tell that woman was really of the opinion that for someone to deliberately violate a rule of society is a cause for alarm. Something should be done about it. She asked a writer of books what he thought of the matter. He ventured that the public has always been fascinated with bad boys. They envy bad boys who seem to them to be free. I wonder
why anybody would build a jail?

Friday, October 7, 2016

In the beginning, God was Mean and Hateful. And Mean and Hateful was Its Name. M&H decided to make Earth (with light) (which is neither form nor is it void) and put life on it. It was not easy to make a Universe from Nothing. It needed to be done exactly right. But, M&H wanted so badly to make this New World to watch all the plants and animals kill and eat one another forever to feel better about Itself. So, It did.

However, His Plan went awry and it was so because He had used Light to make the New World. And M&H was disappointed for soon the animals and plants who ate each other began to feel, to their own surprise, actual admiration, then love for one another and some of them felt their mutual dependence here bonded them in a unique way just as strongly as peace and tranquility might have done. “We are all in the same boat”, they thought. It was also seen by a few that, for example, baby zebras became mighty lions and a stalk of celery had become a young baby boy or girl in the eating way of this new world, and so they even began to admire, then love, their Creator, although they knew not who that was. They called It Good. And So IT IS Forever!

And, so, It turned out that, when M&H was called Good, it saw beauty in its world and wanted to help.

Right away, M&H began to wish It had not made humans in Its image because those guys were a real problem to the rest of Earth. Then, It remembered that by doing a shitty thing Itself, It had become Good and had found a heart made of love inside Its own breast that made it want to help. That same grace must surely bring all the humans into alignment with M&H's new spirit. M&H had, in fact, done a good thing from the beginning. So let us have faith in M&H and thus faith in ourselves; and let us call M&H by a new name, Nice and Helpful.

N&H had originally believed with all his being that what he had created when he made us was something rather impure and predictably erring. Imagine, if you can, the utter chagrin that must have been Its when the nasty little bastards changed M&H into N&H. The tables were turned! Having saved our God, we found the way to save ourselves in the process. This brings us right up to date on matters. Keep trudging.