Happened To Us?
every boy's (girl's) life the first pals come. Easy as pie are those
days and nights when together they play. Unnoticed altogether is the
drummer who beats out the rhythm of their lives together as one
child. So long as we listen it goes and we know not what we have.
The day will come when the uncomplicated simplicity of childhood will
shatter and split into individual dreams as if the drummer abandoned
them, but that is not the case. That being so, one can never buy back
for any price what he had. He has it still.
happened to Winky, my buddy? It's been about...what? 20
years! For
me, perhaps others as well, the loss will be too much for us
to bear
even though we remain completely ignorant. What happened?
What did
we lose?
Theories rise like hot cakes. A whole entire career system
is built
around a loss we did not lose and what to do about that. We
turn to
anything we find which blocks the pain. We begin to gossip
and talk
nonsense about other people and their habits, traits, odd
Arrange, then constantly rearrange the camps of who we
like and who
we do not, and who we like most and least. Altogether
classify, judge,
and arrange a world in our heads that does not otherwise exist. In this
world good people and bad people dwell. People who do
right and
people who do wrong are placed there. There live friends and enemies. It (our world) splits and divides and shatters until it
is very complex.
Now, there are priests, lawgivers, therapists,
teachers, counselors,
artists, entertainers, politicians, the police
and judges and juries,
firefighters, soldiers, guards, rebels,
arsonists, terrorists, nutritionists,
yoga teachers, real estate
agents, accountants, entrepreneurs, and all
the rest. Books galore
are written! Always and throughout, there
remains a ghost world, a
reality, that becomes more strange to us as
we work out the terms of
our world, the one we created, and it
becomes even threatening; so,
we discover ways to shut it off. We
label the ghost world to be
fantasy, illusion, to be a pack of
dangerous dream worlds, nonsense,
evil, darkness, all to be avoided
as populated by evil spirits,
witches, fairies, wizards, outlaws, beasts,
and such. It is in fact
the real one. And it is what we lost when we
gave it up for a handful
of shiny, worthless beads.